Chapter 12

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"What'd you get for problem number 29?" Goku asked Tarble.

"Oh sure, encourage the nerd, Kakarot", Vegeta snorted.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" Tarble said, glaring at his brother.

"Who said I was nice?" Vegeta smirked.

"Come on, Vegeta", Tarble whined. "We're family".

"That's debatable", Vegeta replied, his smirk growing.

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that again!" Tarble snapped.

"Fall for what?" Goku asked.


"Come on, you promised you'd play with me", seven-year-old Tarble begged, pulling on his brother's arm.

"No I didn't and besides, I all ready made plans to hang out with Raditz and Kakarot", eight-year-old Vegeta said, pulling his arm out of his younger brother's reach.

"Well, I should be your first priority", Tarble insisted. "After all, I'm your brother".

"No, you're not", Vegeta said.

"What?" Tarble asked.

"You're adopted, you're real parents didn't even love you enough to keep you", Vegeta answered.

"Huh?" Tarble was shocked.

"Nappa showed up and said he had a gift basket for Dad", the eight-year-old Saiyan said. "I thought it was gonna be fruit or candy, you know, something good. But no, it was you, laying in the basket, screaming your stupid little head off".

Tarble said nothing, he just stared at his brother, his onyx black eyes filled with horror.

"It wasn't a gift, it was curse!" Vegeta continued. "After Nappa left, I told Dad he should put you out on the doorstep, after that, I was gonna make a bet with Raditz on how long before the coyotes got you, but Dad wouldn't listen to me! Now we're still living with his mistake!"

"I-I'm...a...m-mistake?" Tarble gasped.

"A big one!" Vegeta said.

Tarble whimpered.

"But then, you're Nappa's kid, of course you'll be big", Vegeta sneered.

Tarble's eyes widened.

"You know what? I think I see a bit of a mustache forming on your upper lip", Vegeta said.

"What?" Tarble yelped. And with that, the small Saiyan got to his feet and ran to the bathroom, Vegeta not far behind him.

"I don't see anything", Tarble said, looking in the mirror.

"Of course not, my eyesight's way keener than yours", Vegeta smirked. "After all, you inherted yours from your dad".

Tarble's lip trembled as he and Vegeta walked back down the stairs.

"In fact, before you know it, you'll grow a mustache, lose all of your hair, and get fat, then you'll look just like your dear old daddy", Vegeta laughed.

Tarble threw his head back and started to wail at the top of his lungs.


"Oh no, what did Vegeta do this time?" King Vegeta groaned when he heard Tarble's screams.

"This should be good", Bardock snorted.

"What did you say?" King Vegeta demanded.

"Nothing", Bardock said quickly.

A few minutes later, the two Saiyans walked into the living room to see Tarble on the floor, crying his eyes out while Vegeta sat on the couch, snickering evily.

"All right, spare me the excuses, WHAT did you do this time?" King Vegeta said.

"Here we go again, blame me, IT'S ALL MY FAULT", Vegeta said.

"It usually is", King Vegeta said.

"Why don't you just lock me up and throw away the key?" Vegeta groaned.

"Don't tempt me", King Vegeta said, narrowing his onyx black eyes as he glared at his oldest son.

"EEP!" Vegeta yelped.

"I'm not adopted! PLEASE TELL ME I NOT ADOPTED!" Tarble screeched, grabbing his father's leg.

"You made him think he was adopted?" Bardock asked Vegeta.

The eight-year-old Saiyan nodded proudly.

"Good one", Bardock said, high-fiving Vegeta.

King Vegeta glared at him.

"Uh...That was very wrong of you, Vegeta, you need to set a better example for your little brother", Bardock said.

"He's only a year younger than me", Vegeta said.

"Oh crap, look at the time, it's Kakarot's bedtime, I promised him I read him a story tonight", Bardock said, glancing up at the clock, before hurrying to the door. "Bye!"

"Bardock, unless you want this on your conscience for the rest of your life, you will not leave me alone", Vegeta said.

"I can live with that", Bardock said before hurrying out the door.

"Bardock, you traitor!" Vegeta shouted.

"One, two", the eight-year-old Saiyan prince heard his father say in a warning tone.

"Going upstairs", Vegeta said quickly, as he bolted toward the staircase.

King Vegeta sighed in frustration and shook his head.

"What am I going to do with that boy?" the Saiyan king asked himself.

(Flashback ends)

"Now I can't even focus now because you got me so upset, Vegeta", Tarble said, slamming his Geometry text book down on the kitchen table and running off.

"Wait, Tarble!" Goku yelled, getting up and running after the younger Saiyan. "I still need help!"

"You need professional help", Vegeta snorted.

"Hey!" Goku exclaimed. "That was mean, Vegeta".

"Shut up, Kakarot", Vegeta retorted.

...At Capsule Corp...

Bulma sat in room, doing her History homework. However, the blue-haired heiress couldn't focus on any of it. She kept thinking about Vegeta. The two had been friends for over six years now, and she couldn't explain it, but she just felt different now whenever she was around him. They had playfully flirted back and forth lately, Bulma even going so far as to lay her head on the Saiyan prince's shoulder. In fact, people were thinking the two of them were all ready dating. But Vegeta just liked to tease sometimes. Yet now, it seemed like different kind of teasing.

Bulma wondered what it would be like to kiss him, to wrap her hands in his spiky, black hair that stood up like a proud, jet-black flame.

"I wonder", she said aloud to herself as she closed her textbook, got to her feet, and stared out her bedroom window. "Does Vegeta like me back? Or does he just like me as a friend?"


I'm sorry this was a short chapter again! ;-; I haven't had time to update!

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