Chapter 4

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"Where is he?" Keiko demanded.

"Keiko, he'll be here", Goku said. It was Saturday afternoon and Goku, Chi-Chi, Keiko, Raditz, and Tarble were all hanging out at Goku and Raditz's house.

"I've called him three times and left him seven text messages!" Keiko yelled.

"Ayame said he couldn't leave the house until he finished his English term paper", Tarble replied. "He's not been doing too good in English lately".

"Just like a brother, covering for him", Keiko snapped. "Besides, that assignment's not due for another two weeks!"

"You don't know how he stalls", Tarble replied.

"I've known him since the fourth grade", Keiko shot back.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked Vegeta.

"Where were you?" Keiko yelled.

"Nice to see you too, Keiko", Vegeta snapped.

"I called you four times and left you seven text messages. You didn't even once make an attempt to reply", Keiko growled.

"Ayame turned my phone off until I finished my term paper", Vegeta said.

"Oh, of course", Keiko sneered.

"Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Vegeta snapped.

Before Keiko could say something back, Vegeta's phone rang.

"Oh, now he answers his phone", Keiko grumbled.

"Yeah? Uh, that's not such a good idea", Vegeta said.

"What's not such a good idea?" Keiko asked.

"Not know, maybe later. Bye", the Saiyan prince said, hanging up his phone.

"And who was that?" Keiko asked, looking like she was ready to throw something.

"Do I have to report everything in my life to you?" Vegeta groaned, rolling his eyes.

"You could at least explain mysterious phone calls", Keiko retorted. "Maybe that's why you're too busy to answer my calls".

"Do really have to get into this now?" Vegeta asked.

"That was a girl on the phone, wasn't it? What's her name?" Keiko demanded.

"Guys, come on-", Tarble started.

"Stay out of it, Tarble!" Keiko snapped.

"Keiko, relax", Goku said.

Suddenly, the door opened and 18 walked into the room, followed by Krillin.

"Aw, why'd you bring the dork here?" Vegeta groaned. "I got enough problems all ready, I don't need to be around him too".

Krillin looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry, when he insults you that's a good thing", 18 said. "When he ignores you, then there's a problem".

"Oh", Krillin said.

"So, we're still on for the party next Friday, right?" Keiko asked Vegeta.

"I can't, something else came up", Vegeta said.

"Something or somebody?" Keiko asked, her eyes narrowing and her voice growing hard.

"You're really paranoid, you know that?" Vegeta asked.

"First, mysterious phone calls, now you're canceling plans, what am I supposed to think?" Keiko screeched. "After all, you've been to almsot every school in the district! It wouldn't surprise me if you had girls at every school chasing you!"

Suddenly, a dreamy look crossed Raditz's face. "Wow, a girl from every school in the district, now there's a goal to shoot for", the long-haired Saiyan muttered.

"You just had to suggest that, to him off all people, didn't you?" Goku asked, shaking his head in frustration.

"Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?" Raditz grinned.

"Aw, shut up", Goku snapped.

"Thanks Raditz, aren't you a big help?" Vegeta said sarcastically.

"Anytime", Raditz replied.

Vegeta glared at him and punched him in the shoulder.

"This isn't a joke! It is serious!" Keiko screamed.

"Maybe you should leave", Vegeta said to her.

"Fine!" The female Saiyan got to her feet and stormed out of the room.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise", Raditz teased.

"Shut up, Raditz", Vegeta retorted. "Or you'll think you're in the other place.

"Eep! Shutting up now!" Raditz yelped.

"Well maybe you oughta explain to her-", Tarble began.

"That is none of her business", Vegeta snapped. "If she knew, the whole school would know".

"You're the one who got yourself into this mess, if you'd just let me-", Tarble said.

"I intend to get myself out of it, so butt out, Tarble", Vegeta interrupted.

"Good luck, you're gonna need it", Tarble shot back.

"Actually, you're the one who needs luck right now", Vegeta replied, his eyes narrowing and his hands balling into fists.

"Uh-oh", Tarble got to his feet.

"Hey, guys", Bulma said as she walked into the room. "Why's Vegeta look even grouchier than usual?"

"No one asked you", Vegeta shot at her. "By the way, your hair looks stupid".

"Well, you're not exactly a hairstylist's masterpiece either", Bulma retorted.

"Actually, that'd be me", Raditz said, running a hand through his hair.

"OH, SHUT UP!" Everyone chorused.

Raditz got to his feet and walked out. "Jealousy", he muttered as he left. "That's what it is. Just pure jealousy".


Okay, I know this Chapter's short, but the next one will be longer, I promise. Sorry I was trying to update 'A Mother's Touch'

So how was it? Let me know.

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