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February 2015

Harry finally got past security, which was nice, because the paparazzi stayed behind. Every couple minutes or so, a polite fan would come up and ask for a picture and Harry would smile to their camera, but that was about it. He had a couple of security guards with him. He missed Paul. He was pretty sure Paul was already in Sydney.

Harry was excited. For the first time in what felt like forever, he and Louis were flying together. He couldn't remember the last time he had flown with just him. They both happened to be in LA, and management had just grabbed a plane for the both of them to save money. Also, Harry hadn't seen Louis in the couple days over their break, and he missed him.

They had a fourteen hour flight ahead of them.

Louis was with some other security guards near a roped off section they were headed into. Harry had to physically stop himself from running into his arms. They followed the security past the rope, heading to the private plane for them. Harry glanced back to make sure they were far enough so that no one could take a photo, then he stopped to wrap his arms around Louis' neck.

"Hey baby," Louis purred, grabbing Harry's waist. "How was your break?"

Harry made a pouty face. "S' boring without you," he told Louis. Louis chuckled softly and leaned up to kiss him. Harry pressed his tongue into Louis' mouth quickly, but Louis pulled a but away before Harry could take it further. "Calm down, kitten. We have a whole flight."

Harry whined. "Missed you," he said, and leaned down to kiss Louis softly again.

Harry had forgotten about the couple of security guards with them until one cleared their throat, loudly.

"So they are a couple," another mumbled. Harry flushed, realizing Louis had called him kitten. Probably not appropriate etiquette around security guards.

"We better have a fucking sock on the door type sitation on this flight," another groaned, and that was quite rude, actually.

"Mind your damn business," Louis snapped at him. He leaned back up to kiss Harry dirtily, and Harry knew he was doing it to piss off the guard, but he got caught up in it. Louis was warm, and he tasted like smoke, which Harry didn't usually like, but it was also kind of hot.

Louis finally pulled away, and his lips were a bit wet and his eyes were very, very blue. "I'm afraid we do have a time crunch," said the one female security guard.

Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist possessively and nodded to her. He threw the guard who had made the 'sock on the door' comment the finger as they walked by, following the woman. Harry grinned.

The plane wasn't giant or anything, but it was roomy. Harry and Louis had a couple benches in the main area. The space didn't really matter, because Harry sat on Louis' lap right when they were shown their seats. Louis grunted in surprise. The flight attendant sighed.

Louis lightly pushed him off and threw an apologetic smile to the attendant. "Can I have red wine?" Harry asked the attendant.

"I'm sorry, we don't serve beverages until we are at our cruising altitude," said the attendant.

"Right," Harry sighed.

"Harry, be respectful," Louis snapped. Louis had picked up a trashy magazine from somewhere in the airport, and was flipping through it. He didn't look up to see Harry blush.

"Sorry," Harry quickly said to the attendant.

She gave Harry a small smile. "It's law for me to go through the safety briefings, even though you are the only two passengers on the flight," she told them.

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