2~ Cold

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"Have you found your mate yet? I mean I have this bet going on I would like to win." My wolf is howling in joy and I try to shut her up, but she just keeps on yelling. I am looking down the hall waiting for his answer, why did I even came here? He probably won't tell me. I look up and as soon as my eyes meet his, pleasurable tingles erupt my body and I now realise what my wolf is trying to say.

"Mine." He growls and his eyes turn black, but a second after he is all normal and douchbachery again. "I, Liam More, reject you as my mate."

Well, at least I won the bet.


I'm staring at him with open eyes. What? I'm the best guesser ever! Thinking about that makes me smile and I totaly forget Liam is still here.

"Damn, Zac owes me fifty bucks now, see you later Douche!" I say turning around, walking slowly to the cafeteria. Shall I get my money now? Yeah, why not? But when I arrive Zac is gone, probably with some slut in the janitor's closeth. I guess I have to speak to him another time. In the back of my head my wolf is howling in pain and I think this is the moment to let her out, something I haven't done since my mother died. I don't feel like going to school anyway.

Before stripping down behind a tree I text Zac he owes me, tell him what happend and where I am now. I take off my clothes and let my wolf take over.

She cries in pain while we are near a lake. I hope we finally can get along again. I felt somewhat empty, like a puzzlepiece was missing, I always thought that was my wolf, but now I know better. It is Liam, that son of a bitch. He rejected me, but if it were someone else I would be as sad as my wolf. I turn back to my human form and get dressed. Why did I get that douchebag for a mate? I have been trough so much, and this doesn't really help.

With much I mean my mother dying, wich was my fault. I was mad at my parents so I ran to the woods where I let my wolf, Violet, out. It is funny she is called Violet, since I am Rose, but anyway let's move on.

So I ran so much I totaly forgot where I was and I was on rouges territory. I mind-linked my parents and they came to pick me up. My mom was the fastest runner of the pack so she was the first to show up, but soon after a rouge joined us. He killed my mom, and it was all my fault. That is also what Liam has told me about a month after. That's why I hate him so much. I couldn't care less if he would die. But now he is my mate and I will lose my mind if he is killed.

I check my texts and see Zac hasn't replied yet.

'My place ASAP, need 2 talk.' I text him on my way home. Ofcourse I could mind-link him, but if he is still banging some chick it would be awkward. When I arrive home I notice my dad isn't home, again. I boil some water and make tea. A few minetes later I get a text from Zac saying he is om his way. Damn, it's freazing out here, I thought I put on the heater. Five minutes later I am even colder, even though the heater says it's already 25 degrees in here. The doorbell rings and a chill goes uo my spine, damn am I getting sick or something? Reaching to the front door, I open it amd see Zac standing outside. He comes inside.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke?" He says and I shake my head. I tell him the story fast and start shaking.

"I think my heater broke." I say seeing my palms turn purple.

"What are you talking about, it's freaking hot in here..o shit." He looks at me with wide eyes.

"What? What is this?" I ask concerned, am I dying?

"So you're not lying, damn girl, you have the Cold."

"What? Don't you mean a cold?"

"No, the Cold, opposite of the Heat. Happy mates go through Heat, rejected ones go through Cold." He walks a little bit closer to me. Why did I not know about the Cold?

"Why do I have it now? Like the Heat is supposed to start like...not so soon." I shiver and I am trembking, hugging my body. I cry in pain as my veins feel like freaking ice cubes.

"I don't know." He says and catches me as I fall. His touch hurts me even more and he lets go of me immediately.

"That part I forgot, I need to call Liam." I don't even understand what he is saying so I just nod my head as I lie on the couch. My body feel like I just dove into the snow with my bikini on. A few minutes later I almost have no sight anymore, it hurts everywhere. Suddenly I am being lifted by a warm and muscular body, making me feel warmer. I'm still shaking, but not much as I am warmed up by this hot source. When I look up I see Liam staring down at me but at this point I don't care. He puts me on the couch and lays besides me, hugging my body as I fall asleep.

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