5~ Wall Breaking Oscars

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Rose is gone and she left a tip for the waitress. I look out the window only to see a black van speeding away. Oh no, I could recognise that van out of a million.

"ROSE!" I scream and run outside.


Rose's P.O.V.

"ROSE!" I hear someone scream while the van is driving. I let it slip and fall asleep.

The van has already driven for multiple hours, or minutes, I don't have a clue. Suddenly the van stops and I am thrown to the other side of the huge trunk.

"Could you not!" I scream to whoever is driving. That bastard did that on purpose! The door is opened and the Hunter who kidnapped me appears. I spit in his face the moment he comes close and he slaps me hard. Because of the wolfsbane I still can't fight back. My cheek hurts from the slap because the wolfsbane affects my healing, so I will heal like a human.

"Hurts doesn't it?" He asks with a sarcastic tone. I don't respond, why would I? So I just roll my eyes, okay maybe that wasn't smart to do but I just couldn't help it. He throws me over his shoulder and walks to some weird house. I am not complaining, I mean; I don't have to walk. He opens the door without using a key, that could help me when I am escaping later on! He walks inside, me still on his shoulder, when I spot someone sitting on the couch.

"Oh yes! More crazy people!" I yell happy wich earns me a groan from Asshole Driver Guy.

"She is annoying as hell!" He screams towards Couch Sitting Guy. Those nicknames are so creatieve, I should earn an Oscar. That is how it works, right?

"Are Oscars also for nicknames?" I ask to no one in particular.

"No, for movies and stuff." Couch Sitting Guy answers while chuckling.

"Then what do you win with a creative nickname?" I didn't even expect an answer in the first place.

"I don't think they have prices for that, why?" Couch Sitting Guy replies again. I am thrown to the other side of the room by Asshole Driver Guy.

"Cut the small talk." He groans.

"You could have just said so instead of throwing me into a wall!" I scream upset. I don't even know why I started talking with Couch Sitting Guy. I like him way better than Throw People Into Walls Guy. Who also happens to be, spoiler alert, Asshole Driver Guy! Wow give him an Oscar people! He can be two different chatacters at once! I am grinning like an idiot and that caught the attention of the new Oscar winner.

"What?" He hisses throwing spit into my face. Woah, I was not thirsty, thank you very much. Even though he just spat in my face I am still laughing.

"You…you." I burst out in laughter again wich triggers him to slap me again. I am silent for a moment and let the pain wash over me. The Asshole is looking proud and if only you could see his face! His face, ofcourse, makes me burst out in laughter again.

"Your..face!" I can't stop laughing.

"Dude, she is unbreakable. Stop making a fool out of yourself." Nice Guy says. For the record, there are still two guys in here, I just gave them multiple nicknames.

"So, what am I actually doing here?" I say standing up. Finally I finished laughing. They must be the worst two people to kidnap me. Like, I am having fun. That shouldn't happen right? Then I remeber the wolfsbane from Ass, that hurt.

"It doesn't matter what you are doing here, it is the fact that you can't leave and if you try to escape, you get shot. Okay?" Wait…did he just say shot? Like…a gun? I am betting the bullets are made from silver. Well ofcourse I could be wrong but let's not find out anytime soon.

"Come, let's get you somewhere you can't escape within seconds." Nice Guy just shrugs as Ass drags me away, well that much for being a nice guy.

How the hell am I going to get out of here?


Hejj thank you so much for reading this chapter :) I know it is short but I am currently busy on making another story for school. Also I kind of was out of ideas but when I saw some comments of you I immediately got some ideas and stuff. So thank you for commenting because it really helps! I don't think it is just me but every writer on Wattpad so keep on commenting, but ofcourse you don't have to ;)

x Jennifer

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