7~ Stuck in this room forever

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"Hi, Zac?" I mumble through the phone.
"Rose!" He yells, and a second later it is Liam's voice I hear through the phone.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I have never heard Liam sound so worried. Oh, so now you do care?

"Can I have Zac back on the phone... please?" Rider and Leo look impatient. Wait, let me rephrase that; Rider looks impatient, Leo looks bored.

"No, tell me where you are? How did you get this phone? Are you OKAY?" Dammit, now Violet is screaming inside of me. He cares! He really does! Our mate! Well Violet, while you go screaming in joy I'll try to get us out of here.

"They want something from you, I don't know what but apparently it's a big deal. So I don't know, consider giving it." I take the phone from my ear and turn to Rider.

"How can he give you guys something but he can't know where I am? That sounds a bit stupid." Rider laughs. "It's information we want little girl." Little? How dare he. Besides from the height attack, what came out of his mouth made sense. Hence, the phone.

"He wants some sort of information." I say through the phone, Rider takes it from me.

"You know what info. Give us the location of his mate. Or your one will die." So Liam is holding someone's mate captive? That's just plain cruel. I knew he meant trouble but I never imagined him kidnapping. Just like I never imagined myself as his mate. Rider gives the phone back to me. "If he calls back, and he will. Answer it. Get that information for us."

"I still don't get one thing, how come you guys use wolfsbane and stuff, you clearly are Hunters. So why worry about a mate?" This made no sense to me. Hunters are ruthless, show no mercy, espacially for werewolves.

"That's none of your business." He walks out of the room, leaving me without an answer.

The next few hours consisted of me staring at the wall, wondering how the hell to get away from here. If Liam is capable of kidnapping someone's mate... With the fact that the rejected me... He's not coming. That's probably why he isn't calling back. Violet wispers that there's a slight chance. He sounded worried. Upset.

"So, chocolate?" Wait, am I talking to myself? No. It was a voice. I turn aroud and Leo walked in holding a chocolate bar! My saviour! Why couldn't he be my mate? Okay calm down Rose, you're not Stockholm-syndroming his ass right now. Or his face for that matter. Maybe his chocolate, but that makes sense. Right?

"YES, HOW DID YOU KNOW?" I answer sarcastically. You see, for the past hour I've been banging on that door screaming if I don't get chocolate I'll murder them. It's not a big threat consindering I'm the one who's locked up. But hey, look, chocolate. It worked.

"Just intuition." He throws the bar at me. Psh, intuition my ass.

"Does Rider know you're giving me chocolate?" Rider didn't seem like the type of guy that would just give an enemy their greatest craving. Leo did. It was not without reason he had the nickname Nice Guy. Please take my nicknames serious. Thank you.

"He won't mind." Leo walks out and closes the door shut behind him.

About half an hour later I start to notice a feeling. A feeling about something wanting to go out of my body. It's fluid and it used to be my morning tea. Guessed it? Good. I have to pee. And I not going to pee in this room. I may be a werewolf but I'm not a dog.

I regret drinking that tea. It was good tea, don't get me wrong. Mario makes the best tea around town. It seems so easy, but somehow I like his more than the others. Why isn't his tea my mate? Oh, now you're just going crazy. Oh well, as long as I don't think of the fact that I really need to pee... And there we go, I ruined it. My bladder will kill me if I can't go to the bathroom soon. I imagine it takes a knife and letting all the fluids in my body mix and there will be pee in my blood... Just gross. Of course that won't really happen.

"OPEN THE DOOR YOU IDIOTS THIS BUTT REALLY NEEDS A TOILET TO SIT ON." They now probably think I need to poop. But I wasn't gonna say what really needed a toilet right? That's just weird. After ten minutes of furiously banging on the door they finally opened it. By this time my hands would have been terribly bruised if I were human. I stormed out, checking every door.

"Bedroom, bedroom, TOILET!" I get comfy in there and lock the door. Or actually the other way around. I never felt so relieved in my life, I was really worrying about peeing in the corner of that room. On the other side of the toiletdoor I hear my two captors argue. I can understand everything clearly because my wolf-hearing has come back. I've gotten stronger, I could just storm through them, to the toilet. That must mean the wolfsbane is wearing out. And that is exaclty what they are saying too. F*ck. Not again.

I look around to see a little window above the toilet. This could be my way out.


Hey all! Finally this chapter is done! I wrote it in a few days but still it took a whole damn lot of time. But it's done! Not the book of course but the chapter. Sorry for the super long wait! But now school is over! Summeeeer!!!

I hoped you enjoyed my chapter! Vote or comment if you want to, it's free after all ^-^

- Jennifer

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