Chapter 2

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Riley's POV

This morning Mac went on a run to the canyon. Meanwhile Bozer and I were talking about Olly and the twins. Leanna had some errands to run that apparently she wouldn't tell Bozer about. "Okay I know it's weird but am I the only one who thinks there's something going on between Olly and Noel?" Bozer says. "I've noticed she's been avoiding him a little. I think she's noticed she has feelings for him and is trying to figure it out." I say smiling at how much she is like Mac and I. "I just hope they do something about it instead of ignoring it like you and Mac did for a while." He says. "Yea. I'm thinking about having Mia try to talk to her about it." I say. "That might just scare her more." Bozer says. "Yea your probably right. They're so close and Noel obviously feels something." I say still smiling. "Leanna just texted me asking me to get Olly. I gotta go but hopefully I'll see you at the Phoenix in a bit." He says. "Bye Bozer." I say hugging him. After he leaves I go get Noel, Izzy and Jack Jack.

We get home and Mac is already back. "Hey Riles." He says kissing me. I should really be used to it by now but I still melt when he does that. "Hey how was your run?" I ask. "Good." He says. Not even 20 seconds later Matty sends us a text. "Noel. Mia. Jack we gotta go." I say. We all head to the Phoenix and I notice Mia is listening to music while staring out the window. This isn't abnormal but she has a pretty concentrated look on her face which means she's pretty deep in thought. Once we get to the Phoenix Matty locks the door and turns all the windows to fog mode. She doesn't do this unless it's a very high profile mission. "Matty what's going on?" I ask seeing the mad look on her face. "While I was going through security footage I found this." She says pulling up a picture. It's a picture of Mac and Leanna kissing. I'm pretty sure I just heard my heart break. I can't take this so I walk out of the war room and lock myself in a cleaning closet. Is that why he had to go on a run this morning? Why would he do this? Is that why Leanna didn't say anything about the errands she had to run? Why would my best friend and husband do this? I just slowly slide my back down the wall until I'm on the floor crying. I hear people in the halls looking for me so I try not to make noise. I thought he loved me. Was I wrong? Am I boring to him now? Did I do something to make him hate me? I close my eyes and try to pretend this is all one horrible nightmare. Unfortunately it's not. I sat in that closet for a good 20 minutes until Bozer found me. "Riley. I know your probably mad and heartbroken but can you at least come talk to me or Mia or Noel?" He says. I nod and he helps me up. Mia and Noel are sitting in a computer room. Mia looks madder than I've ever seen her. Noel just looks confused. "I'm gonna kill him." Mia says after seeing that I have been crying. "I don't understand. Why? Why would he do that?" Noel asks. I just hug Noel. "I don't know." I say weakly. Mia hacked into Mac's phone and was listening to the conversation through his microphone. "I'm very disappointed in both of you! What were you two thinking! Mac you broke Riley's heart! What's wrong with you?!" Matty says. "Matty-" "Save it Angus!" She says. We hear her leave the room and Mia quits listening.

At home things were beyond weird. We told Izzy and Jack Jack what happened along with my mom. Dinner was silent. No one talked to each other and all I could do was think about what I did wrong. Does he want someone younger? Am I not good enough anymore? We all head to bed and Mac ends up on the couch. I got maybe an hour of sleep. I spent most of the night crying and asking myself what I did to deserve this. I can't imagine how the twins and Jack Jack must feel. Jack is furious with Mac. When we got home I heard them yelling at each other outside. I wake up the next morning and get ready. Mac gets up and we sit in silence. I can't talk to him yet. "Riley-" "I need space." I say getting up and going outside. Leanna texted me several times.

Leanna: Riley please let me explain.
Leanna: Riley it wasn't real.
Leanna: I don't care wether you believe me or not but that picture isn't real.
Leanna: it's a fake.
Leanna: Riley please believe me.
Leanna: Riley please respond.
Leanna: please.

I don't respond. I need time to process this. Should Mac and I get a divorce? Would that hurt the kids? How are the kids doing with this? Suddenly Noel comes out and sits next to me. She doesn't say anything she just puts her arm around me. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Honestly no. I don't understand why. I want to ask him about it I just don't think I can handle it right now." She says. "How are you siblings?" I ask her. "I don't know about Izzy. She just seemed irritated. I heard Jack Jack crying last night after he thought I was asleep." She says. When the twins were about 8 we made room changes. We put Izzy with Mia and Jack Jack with Noel. "It's not gonna be easy." I say. "I know." She says. "Are you ready for school?" I ask her trying to change the topic. "Yea. Izzy and Jack Jack are both finishing getting ready." She says with a sigh. "You okay?" I ask a little concerned. "Yea." She says after a long pause. I decide to let her go and she heads back inside.

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