Chapter 6

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Riley's POV

Olly came to visit Noel and they mostly just joked around the whole time. Noel got discharged around 2 so we brought her home and she started working on work she missed. Eventually we had dinner all together and everyone was talking again. Things felt normal. The kids headed to bed along with Jack and my mom. Mia eventually followed leaving Mac and I alone. "I'm sorry Mac. I should have known it was fake I was just so scared of being hurt again I didn't know what else to do other than try and put up a wall. I want you to know the whole time I never stopped loving you." I say. He moves closer to me so we're only a few inches apart on the couch. "It's not your fault. You've been hurt so badly before and I understand why you put up a wall to try and keep yourself from getting hurt. After Billy did that it would be hard to trust someone again, especially in this scenario. Also I never stopped loving you. The hardest part of all of this is I couldn't help you through it. I don't ever want to hurt you." He says. I look into his eyes for the first time in several days. I don't even notice we're moving closer till we kiss. I missed this feeling of him making fireworks go off. We stay like that for a good minute then he leans his forehead against mine. "I love you Riles." He whispers. "I love you too Mac." I say. He kisses me again and for the first time in almost a week I fall asleep with his arms around me. Just having him next to me makes it a lot easier to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to him staring at me. I look at the clock realizing it's 5:30. "Why are you staring at me at 5 in the morning?" I ask smiling a little. "Because I still can't get over how beautiful you are. Especially when your asleep." He says smiling. I laugh a little trying to distract him from the fact that I'm blushing. It doesn't work. "You still blush when I say that." He says. "How can I not? Everytime you hug me or touch me I get that warm fuzzy feeling inside that tells me everything's okay." I say in a somewhat serious tone. "I'm the same way. I love you Riles. Nothing will ever change that." He says. He kisses me than we decide to get up because we have to get up in an hour anyway.

Mac's POV

Having Riley back is one of the best feelings in my life. When we're together I just imagine the whole world going away and it just being us alone. She is literally the only person I will ever love this much. While Riley gets a shower I start cooking breakfast and wake the kids up. Noel really wanted to go back to school today so we told her that if she starts feeling bad to go to the office. Olly also was told to take her to the office if she starts acting weird or like she feels bad. Olly and Noel really like each other but I think they're in the same situation Riley and I were in for a while. They're too scared to tell each other cause they don't wanna ruin their friendship. Noel is the first one ready even with her shoulder. "Hey Noel. How's your shoulder feeling." I ask. "It's still sore I need to see if I can still carry my backpack." She says grabbing her backpack. I watch as she barely puts her back pack on her shoulder and I can tell it hurt. "I might have to get Olly to help me..." she says. "It's okay to ask for help. You know that right?" I say. She nods with a somewhat sad look. "Hey. Look at me. Asking for help doesn't make you weak and anyone who thinks that is wrong. Asking for help actually makes you stronger because it proves you know when you need it. Life is too difficult to go through it alone. Believe me I've tried." I say. "Thanks dad." She says hugging me. Usually Noel has a pretty tight hug but because of her shoulder she has to be careful. "And just think in 2 weeks you have your follow up so maybe you'll start feeling better soon." I say. She smiles a little and helps me finish cooking breakfast.

Once we drop the kids off at school we see Olly walking toward us. "Mac, can I talk to you?" He asks. I'm a little shocked but I agree. "What's up?" I say. "I think.... I think I like her...." he says the last part really quietly. "Noel?" I say making sure I know who he's talking about. He nods and looks at his feet. "I just don't want to mess up our friendship and everytime I try to tell her something happens and I get interrupted..." he says. "Listen Olly, when the time is right you'll tell her. Believe me the same thing happened with me and Riley. Neither of us wanted to ruin our friendship but once we told each other how we felt it was the best feeling in the world. You'll get there." I say. He smiles and thanks me before heading to his first class. "What was that about?" Riley asks as I get in the car. "Struggling to tell her how he feels." I say. "Sounds familiar." Riley says smiling. "I swear Noel and Olly are gonna be great together. They're so close to reaching that point they just seem to have really bad timing." I say. "Sounds kinda like us. Not knowing what would happen then when we thought we were ready things kept getting in the way." Riley says looking into my eyes. I never want to look away from her eyes.

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