Chapter 11

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Noel's POV

I woke up and got ready excited to see Olly but also nervous because sleepovers always give me anxiety. I dress in my usual t-shirt and leggings with gym shoes and my hair in a high ponytail. Mom says I look a lot like her as a kid. Dark hair, hazel eyes, even the way I act. Mom and I head out to meet Olly at his house. "Your nervous aren't you?" She says as I get in the car. "Wait hold on! I forgot something!" I say running back inside. I grab my bracelet and head back to the car. Normally I wouldn't take it off when I go to bed but last night Izzy was making me try on different outfits and it started getting in the way so I took it off and I guess I forgot to put it back on. "Your bracelet." Mom says smiling when I get in. "Yea..." I say. "It's really sweet that Olly made you something to help with your anxiety. He's a good friend." She says. I smile and stare at the bracelet feeling a little calmer.

When we get to Olly's house he immediately leads me to his room where he has everything set up. I give mom a hug and she promises to pick me up at noon tomorrow. Olly had a blanket fortress set up over his bed. He had LED lights set to blue cause he knows that color helps me relax. I don't know why blue is just a really calming color to me. "I also made you this." He says handing me a little draw string bag. We sit on his bed and he pulls out another bag. I open mine and see all kinds of snacks. "Olly, thank you." I say. "I put some Twix in there for you too." He says. "Really? Thank you!" I say. He laughs hugging me. Twix have always been my favorite candy bar. "I figured it would make you happy and having you happy makes me happy so." He says. "I'm just happy I get to sit and watch a movie with you." I say smiling. "Then are you ready for the Star Wars marathon?" He asks. I nod and he starts the movie.

After a while Olly grabs some blankets for us and I curl up into a ball. He laughs as I cover and uncover my head. "To be honest I think your more entertaining than the movie." Olly says. I smile and blush a little. Olly notices and blushes a little too. I go back to covering and uncovering my head. Then Olly puts his face on the other side of the blanket and I randomly lost my ability to breath. Suddenly we start smiling at each other and slowly we get closer together. "Hey are you two okay in here?" Bozer asks making us both separate. "Yea." We say at the same time. I feel myself starting to blush again and hide in the blanket 'cacoon' I've made. "Okay just thought I would check in." He says. He leaves and Olly sits back not as stressed. "Um..... so do you wanna keep watching the movies or play something?" He asks. "Sure. Clue?" I ask pulling out the board game I brought. "Okay dork." He says laughing a little. "Hey!" I say acting offended. "Relax you know I love you...." he says slowing down on the last two words. He realizes what he said and looks like he's about to apologize. "You love me?" I say smiling a little. "Yea. I do." He says. "I love you too Olly." I whisper. He looks at me and smiles. "So do you wanna be peacock?" He asks pulling me out of my train of thought. "Um. Yea of course." I say.

After I won clue, for one of the first times, we ate pizza and Olly and I went outside to watch the stars because that's our thing. "Sometimes I wonder if there are other worlds like ours out there. Maybe more life on planets far away." He says. "There may be." I say. He looks at me and smiles. "When I look at the stars I often think of my dads parents. I don't know why but I feel like his dad and I would have gotten along well. Sometimes I wish I could have met them..... But I have Jack and I think that's enough dad jokes for him and Mac combined." I say. "I know how you feel. My grandparents aren't around very often. But like you I've kind of found a different kind of family between the Phoenix and our family's." He says. "I feel like we're lucky we aren't in a Romeo and Juliet scenario where are families are mortal enemies." I say. "I know could you imagine having to hide this from them." He says. I smile and laugh thinking about how bad of liars we are. "Anyway it's getting kinda late. Do you wanna head to bed?" He asks. "Sure." I say. Olly has an air mattress that we keep under his bed for when I come over. I lay down and try to sleep. I hear Olly moving around for a while. "Noel?" He whispers. "Yea Olly?" I ask. "I can't sleep can you?" He asks. "No." I say letting out a sigh. We both lay on his bed talking in whispers but at least this way we can hear each other better. My brain wonders off to the thought of the fact that our faces are maybe a foot from each other. We each have our own blankets and pillows and we just talked for while until we both ended up falling asleep.

"Olly. Noel it's time to-......." Leanna says waking us both up. For a second I'm confused as to why she stopped her sentence like that. Then I look and realize not only are me and Olly sleeping in his bed together but he has his arm around me. My back is to him and he basically was hugging me. We both immediately move away from each other and I hide my face in my hands so they can't see how badly I'm blushing. "It's time to wake up you two. Did you guys sleep well?" Leanna asks trying so hard not to laugh. We both just shrug. "I'll leave you two alone." She says closing the door and leaving. "Noel..... I'm sorry I didn't mean to........ I wasn't planning on falling asleep it kinda just." He trys. "It's fine. It wasn't your fault." I say. "Um did you bring clothes?" He asks. "Yea I'm gonna change." I say heading to the bathroom. I open my back pack and realize I didn't bring a shirt. "Uggh. How did I forget that?" I say quietly. "What did you forget maybe I can help." Olly says through the door. "I forgot a shirt for today. I would wear the one I had on yesterday but it got muddy when we went outside last night." I say. "Here." He says handing me one of his t-shirts. It's a plain blue one. I put it on and come out of the bathroom. "Thanks Olly." I say. "Anytime." He says. "Oh and you can keep that if you want. It doesn't fit me very well anymore." He says. I smile and he smiles back. He gets ready and we head to meet mom for breakfast.

Anytime- A Macriley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now