Chapter 15

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Noel's POV
Friday the day of the dance

I get home from school and finish my homework before starting to get ready for the dance. I have mom help me put my hair into two buns then I put my costume on. Izzy tried to convince me to let her do my makeup and ultimately she lost. I head out to the living room and wait for Olly who should be over soon. The doorbell rings and I answer it and smile when I see Olly in his costume. "You look amazing." He says. "Thanks. You look good too." I say smiling. We smile and eat dinner before heading to the dance. When mom drops us off she reminds me to text her when we need her to pick us up. "Ok." I say. "Love you Noel." She says. "Love you too mom." I say before getting out of the car. We walk in and there are tons of kids. Some of them are dancing but the large majority are just standing around talking. Olly must have realised my anxiety was starting to kick in and squeezed my hand. "I'll be right next to you the whole time. Promise." He says. "Thanks Olly." I say. "So you wanna dance?" He asks as a new song comes on. "Sure." I say letting him guide me onto the dance floor. He takes both my hands in his and starts pulling them back in forth essentially making me 'dance'. I can't help but smile. He twirls me and we both start laughing. He hugs me and we start 'slow dancing'. "You know I don't think I've ever been to an actual dance." I say. "Really? What about that Christmas party in preschool?" He asks. "Okay that one doesn't count I was 3." I say rolling my eyes. "I know but I just remember all the pictures your mom has of us dancing together." He says smiling. "Kinda like right now. Except now we're dating." I say smiling. "Yea." He says staring at me. I can't help but get lost in his brown eyes. We just stare at each other getting closer than I thought possible. Then it happened. He kissed me. Olly actually kissed me. At first I was shocked but when my brain processed what happened I kissed him back. He leaned his forehead against mine and we both kept our eyes closed. "Did that really just happen?" I ask still in shock. "I think so." He says. We look at each other and smile. "I love you Noel." He says. "I love you too Olly." I say. The rest of the night we danced and laughed. Eventually we all decided to leave and I texted mom.

When we got home Olly and his parents left and I talked to mom and Mia. "So how was it?" Mia asks. "Great." I say smiling. "What happened?" Mom asks giving me the 'I know your hiding something' look. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Did something happen between you and Olly?" Mia asks catching on to the fact I was hiding something. "I mean I may or may not have had my first kiss but no nothing really happened other than that." I say hoping they won't catch on. "Omg! You kissed him?!" Mia says overly excited. "Maybe." I say trying really hard not to blush. It doesn't work and Mia starts smiling and giggling. "I knew it was coming! You two have been getting so much closer these past few weeks it was only a matter of time." Mia says still grinning from ear to ear. I can't help but smile at this point. "You know your dad and I approve of Olly. He's a great kid and he knows he's lucky to have you." Mom says. "I know. I'm luckier to have him though." I say. "I'd say your both equally lucky. Anyway are you headed to bed?" Mom says. "Yea. The dance made me tired." I say. "Ok Goodnight." She says. "Goodnight Noel." Mia says hugging me. I head to my room and quietly get ready for bed trying not to wake Jack Jack who's already asleep. I text Olly Goodnight before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Olly and his parents came over to spend the day with us. Mom and Mia both promised they wouldn't tell anyone else about what happened at least until I knew if Olly told his parents. "Olly! Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask leading him away from the adults. "What's up?" He asks a little worried. "Did you tell your parents about last night?" I say trying to get him to understand what I'm talking about without saying it directly. He catches on. "I told my mom but my dad is kinda oblivious. My mom started questioning me as soon as we got home. I don't think my dad has realised it yet." He says. "Okay I told my mom and Mia but my dad and grandparents don't know anything yet. I just wanted to know wether I could let my mom and Mia talk about it or not." I say. "Yea I get it." He says smiling.

Later that afternoon we were all playing charades and we each had partners. Mom and Dad, Jack and Diane, Bozer and Leanna, Jack Jack and Izzy, and Olly and I were partners. Mia was the 'official' since she didn't wanna play. "Okay Olly and Noel it's your turn. Come pick a paper." Mia says holding up a baseball hat with little papers of actions or words for us to act out. I walk up since it's my turn to do the acting. I pick a piece of paper out of the hat. It says 'first dance'. I come up with an idea. "Olly come stand up here." I say. He stands next to me and Mia starts the timer. I grab Olly's hands and I can tell he's confused. I start pulling his arms back and forth the way he did last night. He keeps looking at me confused but smiling. "Dancing?" He guesses. "Not exactly." I say. He looks at me even more confused. I decide to take a leap of faith hoping my last idea works. I pull him closer in a slow dance and kiss him. He just stares at me for a second then it hits him. "First dance." He says. I nod smiling. We look and see everyone staring at us shocked. "First dance more like first kiss!" Izzy squeals. "Actually second." I correct her. "When was your first?" Dad asks me even more shocked. "Last night at my first dance." I say. It sinks in for everyone but Jack. "You're growin up way too fast." He says after he finally processes it. We all laugh and Olly and I just smile at each other.

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