Chapter 17

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Noel's POV

When Jack, Mia and Cassian get back they tell us about Riley and I feel my heart sink. I walk out of the room and Olly follows me. I walk into one of the meeting room and collapse against the wall crying. Olly doesn't say anything he just wraps his arms around me and I notice he's crying a bit too. "We are gonna get through this Noel. Your mom is really strong okay?" He says. I nod and continue crying for about 10 minutes. After I calm down a bit Olly and I were just sitting there in each other's arms. "Thank you Olly." I whisper. "For what?" He asks. "For helping me calm down. For not giving up on me like most people. For loving me." I say. "Anytime Noel. And no matter what happens with your mom your never alone." He says. "You either Olly." I say.

The next 24 hours killed me internally. Finally Mac called us the next morning at the Phoenix. "Mac how's Riley doing?" Matty asks through the video call. "She's a lot better than she was yesterday. The doctor said in few hours she should be able to be discharged." Dad says. He gives Riley the camera. "Mom!" I say in relief. "Noel, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm gonna be okay. We should be home soon the nurse is gonna discharge me then we are headed home. By the way what's the deal with Cassian?" Mom says. "Well after the debrief he understood why I had to hide what we actually do here. Matty recruited him as a new agent trainee and I think instead of this hurting our relationship it may have made us closer." Mia says. "That's great." Mom says. After talking a bit more we hang up and Olly and I head to school.

We were sitting in chemistry doing nothing because our teacher let us have a free period to work on homework or stuff. "Noel. Everything's gonna be okay. Your mom is gonna come home today." Olly says. "How did you know what I was thinking about?" I ask him confused. "One your playing with the bracelet I made you so obviously your anxious about something and two that's been your biggest worry for the past 24 hours." He says. I smile. "I love you Olly." I say thinking about how well he knows me. "I love you too Noel." He says. "Can Olly Martin and Noel MacGyver please come to the office." One of the office people says over the intercom. Our teacher gives us a nod signaling for us to go. Walking down the hallway I feel my anxiety kick in and I start messing with my bracelet. Olly notices and grabs my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. Somehow it helps me calm down a little. When we get to the office there are two adults and a boy about our age. One of the adults was the office lady the other one wasn't facing us when we walked in but I know it's a girl. She turns around and I recognize her from pictures of the old Phoenix teams. "Noel, Olly, this is Sen Nguyen. They just moved here and I thought you two could show him around." The office lady says. "Wait Nguyen? Like Desi?" Olly asks. "That's me." The other woman says. "Your the one in the pictures at home." I say. "Yep I was your parents friend then I moved away for a job and recently I got to move back home." She says. "Okay. It was nice meeting you." I say as we walk out of the office to show Sen around. "So Sen do you have anything you want us to call you?" I ask trying to see wether or not he has a nickname or something. "Most people just call me Sen because my real name is Senshaw." He says. "Okay well welcome to our school. Your locker is here." I say pointing to the one right next to Izzy's. "Yea and this one is her sister's so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask Izzy." Olly says. "Um your first period is actually the same as us, chemistry. So let's go there then we can go see the other rooms." I say. We walk down the hall to our chemistry class and Izzy runs into us as we turn the corner. "Oh sorry. Who's this?" Izzy asks me. "Izzy this is Sen he's new here. Sen this is my twin sister Izzy." I say. "Hey." Sen says. "Hi, well I better get back to class." Izzy says. Something didn't seem right between those two and I decided to figure out why later. "Anyway this is our chemistry class." I say entering the room.

After school I pull Izzy aside. "Okay what's up between you and Sen." I say. "What do you mean?" She asks. "When you two ran into each other it was awkward between you two." I say. Then it hits me. "Do you like him?" I ask. "I don't know..." Izzy says. "What do you mean you don't know?" I ask. "We met each other through Instagram and started talking. We agreed to be friends because we both thought we'd never meet in person but lately I've felt weird talking to him and when we would FaceTime I got this weird feeling. Then when he told me he was coming to our school the feelings only got worse and I can't tell him because I don't think he likes me like that." Izzy says. "Maybe just talk to him and see where he stands about it. The worse that could happen is he doesn't see you like that and even then you two can still be friends." I say. She nods and we head our separate ways.

When we get to the Phoenix Olly and I walk into the war room. I see mom standing there and immediately hug her. "I missed you Noel." She says. "I missed you too." I say through a few tears. She pulls away and wipes the tears off my face. "I'm okay. I want you to know that." She says. "I know." I say.

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