New Start

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It was a beautiful morning in Remnant. The sun was rising over the horizon with the birds chirping. It was a fantastic start to the day for anyone. In a dark room covered by curtains, a certain deep red hair boy was lying in bed soundly asleep; snoring can be heard as well.


The boy name y/n springs open, his eyes groaning as loud as possible. He waited to see what was going to happen next, but after a while, he didn't hear anything else, so he went back to closing his eyes again, wanting to get more sleep, but someone bashed their fist onto his door jolting him awake.

Y/n:(quietly) she's an actual morning demon...

He sits upon his bed, trying to fix his hair while rubbing his eyes with his other hands, but before he could make any further movement, his door flew off the frame, almost hitting him if he didn't jump out of the way.


A young girl steps into the room, She has long, beautiful pink hair with violet color eyes. She was standing at 5'5, which shows her "slightly" above average figure well. Her outfit consists of white high heel boots and black leggings. She also has a white long sleeve jacket that was over a black shirt.

Y/n: seriously, Olivia!? Couldn't you just wait another 2 DAMN MINUTES!?

She angrily walks up to him, putting her hands on her hips while pouting.

Olivia: Right, it's my fault that I want to see MY OLDER BROTHER one last time before I go to beacon!

Y/n:(gets off the hard floor) I get that, but it's-

He looked at his alarm clock that was on his desk and saw that it was 6 am.

Y/n: ITS 6 IN THE MORNING! (Grabs both of her cheeks and pulls them) Why are you up so early, you damn lark!?


After a few seconds, y/n let's go his sister, making her fall down to the floor. She quickly jumps up like a rabbit on crack and smacks her brother on the head, making him fall forward.

Olivia: you, on the other hand, should be worried about me! What would you do if something were to happen to me at beacon?

Y/n:(quietly) yay, one less mouth to feed and a lot more money to spend on myself...

Olivia: excuse me!?

Y/n:(groans as he gets up) I'm not going to worry about you if I already know, you'll do fine. You've been training for this day for a very long time; it'll be insulting if I doubted you.

Olivia:(smiles) that you see, that's more like it! Now come on, I'm hungry!

She hops out of his room like what she did ever happen. Y/n, let out a sigh and look over at his door, which was still resting on top of his bed.

Y/n: she may be acting all tough now, but that's how she is when she's nervous or scared. We barely just moved from Atlas to Vale a couple of years ago, hoping she can get used to the area quickly.

Rushing, he takes off the shirt he slept in. y/n then looks down at the massive scar on his chest. He couldn't help but run his fingers along the side, being reminded how he got it before getting a grip on it. He lets go and changes into a red long sleeve shirt and black pants. He walks out into the open hallway, then into the kitchen, where he sees Olivia waiting "patiently" at the dinner table.

Olivia: there you are! Hurry up; I'm starving!

Y/n:( narrows his eyes) you know, you can always cook for yourself if you're going to complain.

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