Protecting My Home ( Vol3)

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As the nevermore faded away behind me at Amity Colosseum, I lowered my blade to my hip. I was about to turn to face my approaching friends but my little act of crashing my locker into the grimm and forcing it within the barricades was destroyed, and now more flying Grimms are pouring in, sensing the panicked crowd fleeing. A griffon was flying directly at me, so I swiftly raised my sword and slashed it in two, forcing me to whirl around and cut another that was attempting to catch me off guard. All of my allies pitch in to shield the people so they can go to safety, but Pyrrha struggles to stand as she stares in disbelief at the shattered Penny. A Griffon swooped down, preparing to kill the girl, but Jaune reacted fast, blocking its strike with his shield and then slashing it down. He returns his gaze to Pyrrha, laying his weapons down for a minute to speak with her.

Jaune:  Pyrrha, you need to get moving!

She did not speak a single word, leaving him unclear as to what he should say next. However, he was unable to continue trying to get her out of the trance since he had to swiftly return to the fight to ensure that she does not suffer any injuries. I take a quick glance at Pyrrha before turning my attention back to Jaune before jumping back and landing near him as he kills another grimm and I hurl several fire crystals that burst on contact, taking out those flyers. I then gaze at Jaune again.

Olivia: Jaune! Get  her up!

Jaune: She's not going to listen!

Olivia: OH?! That's wonderful!

I had to immediately duck and roll in order to escape being hit by a gigantic Griffon that was coming toward me as it soared by me. I roll over onto my knees and swiftly transform my sword into a bow. I then grab a small crystal and reshape it into an arrow before firing it towards the grimm, causing it to collide with the chairs in the building.

Olivia: Get her out of here!

I transform my bow into a sword and dash forward into the fray. The fight we were in was difficult since there didn't seem to be an end to these flyers; the more we killed, the more came back. To make matters worse, another Nevermore crashed down in front of Pyrhha and began making its approach to her, causing everyone to fear for our friend, who appeared to be too out of it to protect herself. My eyes widen as I come to the horrifying realization that Pyrrha is about to be harmed, but at this same moment I am surrounding, and I won't be able to reach there in time to save her. Janue notices that the nevermore is heading in the direction of his partner, and he doesn't hesitate to set off after it.

Nora: Jaune!

Jaune: (goes towards Pyrrha) Pyrrha, get out of there!

 The Nevermore squeaks and lunges at Pyrrha. A crimson, whirling blur of roses knocks the Nevermore back, with the source of the blur clutching one of Penny's swords and slicing into the Nevermore before leaping back down in front of Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Ruby?

Ruby: (angrily, determinedly aiming Penny's blade into the Nevermore) Leave her alone!

Before lunging back down, the Nevermore rises and rounds the arena. Ruby takes a protective grip on Penny's blade. Suddenly, the Nevermore is held down by a massive beam so powerful that everyone in the radius is forced back, while Grimm in the area vanishes immediately. I drive my blade into the ground and stare up at the beam, observing that it is one made of a different sort of element, and the only thing I can think of that might possibly have that kind of strength is the Maiden. With the beam diying out;   Sumia was now able to be seen standing atop the Nevermore's head. She could hear and see the response coming from everyone else, but she chose to ignore it as she brought her sword up, spun it around her finger, and then got a stronger hold on it before swinging it down to decapitate the Nevermore. It then causes its head to settle close to Ruby before disintegrating into a cloud of black particles as the students create a perimeter around them. Sumia lands close to me on the ground. I have to admit that I was taken aback when I saw her here, of all the places, and although I do feel a little bit awful that Leon and Ophelia are out searching for her, I can't help but be overjoyed to finally find her.

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