Theres Always Trouble In Beacon

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Carefully walking up the stairs, Y/n makes it up to the second floor carrying bags of groceries. Taking a moment to breathe in, he walks into the kitchen placing them on the countertop next to the doorway. Grunting gently, he takes off his coat and looks into the dining room where he saw Ella sitting at the table eating Potato chips straight out of the bag while putting together a puzzle. He sighs softly as a sly smile creeps on his face.

Y/n: I remember telling you that today is your day off.

Ella brings her head up giving him a smile of her own before leaning back on the chair crossing her legs.

Ella: What's wrong with hanging out with a friend?

Y/n chuckles shaking his head lightly, he then walks over grabbing the bag of chips out of her hand, she tries reaching out for it but
y/n moves it away from her before reaching in taking one for himself.

Y/n: well, you should be letting me know beforehand instead of allowing yourself in.

He drops the bag onto her hands as he walks back into the kitchen starting to put the stuff away and keeping the things he needed out. Ella was curious leaning to the side trying to see what he was up to.

Ella: It's the Vytal Festival, everyone is out there getting things ready and you're here doing well..... What are you doing?

Y/n: didn't I tell you yesterday? My sister is coming over with her team and I promise her that I'll be making a feast.

Ella gains a wide-eyed look, surprised to hear that Olivia is coming over. She starts to feel guilty that she just came into his house unannounced, her face starts to turn dole as
y/n turn around to face her and notice the sudden change.

Y/n; hey you okay?

Ella: huh? Oh yeah... I just remember that I have to do something...

Walking back to the dining table she grabs her bag and begins to head to the stairs. Y/n could feel something was off and wanted to help, by coming up with a way to fix it.

Y/n: you know, I might be making a lot of food and I kinda want to avoid having leftovers so if you want, you can come and join us for dinner?

Ella stops for a moment and slowly looks over her shoulder, y/n saw her having her signature smirk that was always filled with confidence but he knew this time that it was a cover-up.

Ella: it's fine, I don't want to take you away from your sister.

Finishing her sentence with a wink, she begins to walk downstairs. Y/n continue staring at where she previously stood until he heard the door open just a few seconds before hearing it close. He roughly sighs this time dropping both of his hands onto the edge of the countertop resting his weight on them.

Y/n: well that's going to make things awkward...

He knows that he should have done more than just ask and leave it at that but he didn't want to push it upon her to come. Having mixed thoughts he knew that it'll be best if he focuses his attention on making the food before it's too late.

After a few hours of getting things prepared and ready for tonight, y/n decide to give himself a break and walk around vale to see what the businesses around him have been doing for this time of year so he can also take some ideas. He grabs his coat from the rack slipping it on before heading out. He first made it to the park where he saw dozens of decorations planted everywhere trying to get as many people as possible to be excited, and its working kids were running around with treats and toys as the adults sat down on nearby benches talking about what their plans were. He continues to look around until later finding himself near the docks, having no idea how long he has been walking he begins to walk back but stops when he sees a fresh crime scene.

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