Allow me to explain (author note)

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Okay, I really didn't want to do this because I don't want to post unnecessary chapters, but I've been seeing people refer to y/n (you) as a side character, as if he's not even important. I'm putting this up in the hopes that I'll be able to clean something up. I've always wanted to try something new and different with this story since the beginning. I noticed that there were few stories/fanfics with y/n(you) not in beacon, so I thought, okay, I'll see what I can do, but in order to drive the plot correctly or in the way I wanted, I needed someone actually going there. This is where Olivia comes in. Let's start with who the main oc is, which is both of them. You are not a side character simply because the spotlight is not on you. I made sure that Olivia and y/n each have a unique story to tell, and that they each contribute to the plot in their own unique way. I made the mistake in my previous books of not developing a character; I don't want to rush I want to make very well written story with these character this is why y/n is currently a big brother rather than a fighter; that is his character for right now, but I never imagined to let him stay that way. We will all have to wait and see if he will become more than just a store owner. I understand that some people may not like how this story is progressing. The spotlight will eventually shine on y/n, but for the time being, it is on his younger sister. I hope you all understand, but if you don't, please leave a comment with a question and I might be able to answer it.

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