Peaceful Day (vol 2)

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With y/n

It has been a few days since Olivia and her friends found Blake, it has also been a few days since I fought that masked man...well, it wasn't really a fight, but you get my point. There's not much I want to say about him since he's the reason why I'm wearing a damn leg cast! I spent my whole sister's break lounging around at home doing absolutely nothing, which let just say, was boring. I have to use crutches now, and don't get me wrong, I can leave. Unfortunately, I have stairs, one wrong move, and I'm gone, and no one can help me down since they are a bit narrow. The other reason is that my aura needs to prioritize healing my leg above all. That's means I can't be stupid and use my semblance for work which sucks since I'm missing a lot of days.  I won't say it's stressing me out. Honestly, I enjoyed the days when my sister came to visit, which was every other day but having to sit here and do nothing but rest kind of sucks.

Currently, I'm sitting in the living room on my couch watching tv. That whats anyone will think if they see me right now, but I can't stop thinking about the things the masked man said to me that night. It sounded like he speaks from experience, but how is it possible to partner up with a criminal? Maybe he was just trying to get me on edge.  I also couldn't get my mind off that guy's weapon; I know it sounds stupid, but I can't help to think that I have seen that weapon before. I'm not just saying it because it some feeling no; I honestly believe I have noticed that weapon in my lifetime, but I don't know when. Maybe I came across it during my time in atlas? No, they usually use guns over there, and those that don't, I haven't seen them wielding a weapon like that. Was it something I made for a job? No, even with my semblance, that weapon is way too complicated to craft. Whatever it is, it helps that guy kick my ass.

Ella: maybe you could create weapons out of thin air like some people do!

If only I could, then maybe I would have stood a chance against that guy. Why do I always have to be the unfortunate one? I look down at my palm, thinking that maybe if I push myself, I can probably do the impossible. I activate my semblance to see my hand emanating my usually faint blue aura. Come on, if other people can do what makes me so different, come on!! I feel my heart racing faster, which can mean two things, both aren't good, but I didn't want to stop. I continue trying, but I couldn't see anything changing, so I quickly gave it up. I rest back on my couch, looking at my ceiling, disappointed. I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs before hearing a cheerful voice.

Ella: I'm back!

I face forward only to see Ella walking into my view before entering the kitchen.

Y/n: hey, how was it?

Ella: good; many people were crowding around the area, though. So it took me a bit longer to get here.

Oh, I forget to mention that Ella has been kind enough to help me out while My leg heals. I was surprised since I didn't ask her; she just outright started helping, and when I ask, she doesn't answer any of my questions, but I'm glad that she's here.

Y/n: really? Where did you go?

Ella: I went to the nearby grocery market.

I was taken aback slightly. Usually, she'll come with food already made from a store or restaurant. I never heard of her actually buying Ingredients to make dinner.

Y/n: you bought groceries?

Ella: is that a problem?

Y/n: no, the last few days, you have been buying take-out for us.

Ella: oh? And here I thought you'll appreciate a good home cook meal.

"Good" isn't really a word Ill used; Ella has an act of putting or burning many things that can quickly ruin a meal. I had experience of this when Olivia and I were invited to her team picnic, and she was the one cooking the meal. I never knew someone had the ability to make meat taste so sour. I quickly notice her pulling out some vegetables and began chopping away.

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