The Wanted

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     Chris looked at me. "Your crazy. I'm going back into town to get some real food. Something meat wise." Chris turned around and stomped away.

        "He seems mad. Do you think he'll be alright?" Missy said looking somewhat concerned. "Yeah, he's just in one of his moods. He's my best friend. He's more than a friend he's...a brother."

      "I didn't think I've ever seen someone love there cousin more than you do." "Yeah, he's everything to me." She looked at me. "You know, today has been one of the best days of my life Missy. It stared out a little rough but, truned out perfect." She smiled.

        "I'm glad you threw the fish back." "I am to." She leaned in and kissed me. Our lips interlocked perfectly. Missy moved her tongue moved around trying to explore, trying to gain dominance. After several minutes of this we pulled away. My heart was going a mile a minute. I gets rush, I could still feel the adrenaline pumping. I kept smiling uncontrollably, which made her laugh. "First time being kissed?"

       "Yeah, but there's something I don't understand. Why did you kiss me?" "Because when I look into your eyes I see kindness and want. I can see your whole life just by glancing into your eyes. You want something more in life, just like me." She was right. I had always wanted something more, and I think I found it. "Maybe your what I need in life," I said. She blushed and about this time Chris came back.

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