The Wanted

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          The smells around me quickly changed from raw sewage and marijuana to beer and cigarettes.

           It wasn't much, but to us it seemed like a Mansion. I think of the word every time I come in here "Mansion." It was the biggest house I had ever been in.  I'm talking two stories, one and a half bath, and a least four bedrooms. It's the best house you'll ever be in (I'm starting to sound like a real estate agent.) Anyway,  Chris and I made our way upstairs. We walked up to the door, not just any door  it happened to be BRUISER's door.  It opened and standing right infront of us was the infamous BRUISER.

         "Well, look who it is. Two of my hardest workers, right on time."He gestured us to come in and sit down. He came up behind us and shut the door (I was pretty sure I heard it lock to.)  He sat at his desk and like a hawk watched us sit down infront of him. It sort of reminded me of the movie The Godfather, the way BRUISER was acting. Not good, I thought. Not good at all. What ever we did we're in for it.

          "So, why did you want to see us today BRUISER?" I asked.

           "Well, Daniel funny you should ask."Chris and I looked at eachother.

           "Funny I should ask what?" I said.

       "Well, I'm sure you all have heard someone around here has been snitching." My heart started pounding. What was he trying to say? I took a deep breath and managed to say, "Do you know who it is?" As soon as I said it I wanted to take it back. I knew what was coming.

        "Well,  word on the street is its you guys." Chris jumped out of his seat and blurted out "We've been framed! It's a lie. It was Rizz wasn't it? He told you these....these lies!" BRUISER's eyes were on fire. It was like looking into a flame. He yelled,"Sit down!" Chris gradually sat down and wouldn't look BRUISER directly in the eye. I felt like I was going to throw up. We broke the most important rule, and it wasn't even us. As calmly as I could I said, "That's impossible. We would never violate your trust."

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