Chapter Nine

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      "So where you boys want to to be dropped off at?" "Just drop us off at the near by motel. Our parents should be there," I said.

      "Are you sure they're there. I'd hate to drop you two off by yourselves." "I'm sure. It's fine, thanks." He pulled into a trashy motel. It kinda reminded me of The Bates Motel like the one from the movie Psycho. Hopefully it wouldn't end like the movie.

     "Alright, well here's your stop." We hoped out of the car. "You two boys have a good one. Stay safe, there's some crazy people in this world. You never know who you can trust these days." "We will, thanks." He pulled out and drove off. "Did you hear that last part about how you can never trust anyone."

      "Yeah, that was weird. I wonder what he ment by it?" "Come on. Let's go Daniel." It had been a long, hard day. From almost killing myself to falling in love to running from the cops. And just to think that happened all in one day. I was beat. All I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't care where to be honest, but I knew, in order to keep being on the run, I would have to sleep in the woods. Luckily behind the hotel was a wooded area. Chris and I walked deep into the woods to ensure we could not be seen. We didn't speak not one word to each other. I don't know if it was because we were tried or mad or what. But I did know whatever it was it would blow over by tomorrow. Hopefully.

     We made it to a small, clear part of the woods. It wasn't warm and it wasn't comfortable. But it worked. I laid my head down to the dirt almost immediately and fell into a deep slumber. I didn't have any dreams that night. Not one dream. Despite the cold weather and uncomfortable conditions I think that was the best night of sleep I had ever gotten. No one to haunt my dreams, no one to pull the trigger. Not for me. To me no dreams ment one thing. Love. Missy casted her spell on me. Yes, I was in love. It was beautiful thing. It still is.

      I woke up cold, but refreshed. Chris was already up trying to start a small fire, but with no luck. "Here eat this." He tossed me a Ruby red apple.

       "Aren't you going to eat," I asked with my mouth full of apples. "Already did. So what's the plan for today?" "We're going to try to hitch a ride to Pennsylvania. After Pennsylvania it's New York." "Sounds like a plan. Do we just tell them what we've been saying? How we lost our bus tickets and need a ride or whatever?" "Yeah, just tell them that. And we can drop the accents." "Finally. I was good at it anyway."

       "Got that right." We laughed. Looks like our plan was going to work. We were going to start new lifes and live like everybody else's. Free. At least this is what I thought. I, again, was wrong.

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