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𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

The school was sat in the Great Hall, listening to Dumbledore but my eyes found themselves on a certain dark haired, chizzled Slytherin.

Merlin knows what the professor said, it was all just mumbles to me.

That's when Reggie's dark, grey eyes met mine.

We stared at each other for what felt like forever which in reality was for about a minute. I watched him smile to himself before looking back at Dumbledore.

Like hell was I going to watch Dumbles when a view like that was in front of me for free!

I was guessing his boring as fuck speech had finished as there were kids getting up all around me. Remus tapped my shoulder and by instinct I got up and followed him and Sirius out of the hall and up to the fat ladies portrait. I stared blankly at the painting and then at moony.

" What's the password again? " I said, sounding as dim as Peter.

Remus rolled his eyes at me before saying 'Godric' and watching the portrait swing open.

Me, Sirius and Remus each walked into the dark red common room before retiring to our dorm.

" It's been such a hard day " , Sirius said, putting a hand dramatically over his head. Moony raised an eyebrow at Sirius.

" Could you come with saying goodbye to Mrs Potter's chocolate chip cookies for a whole year! I thought so! " I really wasn't paying much attention to what any of them were saying, I was too busy contemplating on whether Regulus likes me or not if I'm being honest.

I looked over to Peter's bed to find him sprawled across it, hugging his duvet like a teddy bear. He did have some seriously weird sleeping habits... Plus the fact that we'd only just got here and he was already sleeping like a two year old.

There was a thud. I looked over to find Pads on the floor with a pillow across his chest and Moony standing over him.

" Just go to sleep dumbass. " Moony said, going over to his trunk and finding some pajamas.

Sirius crawled out from under the pillow and stuck his middle finger up at Remus.

How the fuck am I friends with these two? Easy question actually.

If it wasn't for Remus we'd have probably been drowned or burned by ourselves in first year, if it wasn't for Sirius I wouldn't have had the best summer ever!

How the hell does everything somehow get roped back to Reggie?

I led down on my bed and tried to get to sleep.

It had been a few hoirs and I'd decided that there was officially no way I was getting some sleep with Padfoot and wormy's snoring chorusing over eachother and the thought of Regulus playing over my mind.

I just wish for once they'd learn how to use a fucking silencing charm, it's really not that hard.

I also wish that I wasn't literally whipped for my best friend's brother. It'd make life a lot easier.

I took my wand and the marauders map from my bedside table before tapping the blank parchment and saying 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.' As much as I hate to admit it, I knew my eyes were automatically searching for Regulus' name on the map.

I looked at the astronomy tower and found the name tag Regulus Black.

I put the map back on the table, grabbed my invisibility cloak and left the dorm in a swift motion.

The astronomy wasn't too far so the chance of bumping into Filch or his bloody cat was slim, not impossible but slim.

Once I'd reached the top of the stairs I could see him leaning against the metal fencing, looking out at the sky. I took my cloak off and put it on the ground with my wand.

" It's beautiful isn't it ", I said, grabbing the attention of the Slytherin opposite me. He smiled slightly.

" It is isn't it. It's a shame that it'll all be over soon. " I laughed slightly.

" For me maybe but for you, you have two years left of this beautiful place and if I were you, I wouldn't waste that time. " I walked over too him and leant against the fence next to him.

His eyes reflected perfectly in the moonlight. I was jealous that this time next year I wouldn't get to dive into them anymore.

I tilted his chin up a bit to face me and brought his lips to mine.

I knew I missed him but I didn't realize how much I missed him until that moment.

I felt his hands slither round the back of my neck whilst mine were placed perfectly round his waist.

It was going perfectly, until they heard someone drop their wand.

𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 | Jegulus • MaraudersWhere stories live. Discover now