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James sat down on the maroon coloured bed, processing the events that had just occurred.

Regulus climbed out from under the bed, an annoyed look plastered across his face. 

" I- What the fuck was that? " James asked, turning his head to the Slytherin.

" Me getting out from under a bed that I was forced under? " Regulus replied, smoothing off his clothes.

" No I mean what you just bloody did to Sirius! " The older boy shouted.

"  He pissed me off. "

" So!? "

" So what? "

James put his head in hands, letting out a frustrated sigh.

" Okay, why are you mad. "

Regulus lightly rested his hand in his boyfriends shoulder before it was angrily pushed off.

" Please just tell me what it is. " Reggie said softly.

" What do you think's wrong, Regulus!? " James shouted, lifting his head out of his hands, looking straight at Regulus.

There are certain things that you pick up after spending a vast amount of time with Regulus, for example, when he's upset.

James could clearly tell that Regulus was mildly upset by his actions but at the heat of the moment, he didn't care.

He felt so sure that Regulus was in the wrong.

Reg took a deep breathe.

" So your telling me that if you were me, listening to your own brother saying that you were evil, unworthy and overall acting like he hated you, you'd sit there and do nothing about it? " 

" No that's not what I'm say- "

" No but it was what you were implying. " 

They just stared at each other.

Unsaid words on the ocean of being said.

But the tide always comes in eventually.

" What did you expect me to do in that situation? " Regulus said, calmly.

" React like a normal person for a start! " 

" And you think hexing someone isn't a normal reaction to having your brother call you a death eater and imply that you're not worthy of love anymore? "

" But you are a death eater, Regulus! When are you going to get it into your head that the mark on your arm is never going away! That's not suddenly changed because you gave me puppy eyes and said sorry! "

He took a deep breathe before continuing.

" Sure what Sirius said was completely out of line but it was true. The people that you chose to be a part of are unworthy of anything and we both know it. What do you think when you look in the mirror and see the dark mark on your arm? Because if I were you I'd wake up everyday and think of the best ways to top myself! "

Regulus looked hurt.

Worse than James had ever seen him.

He wasn't crying but everything about his face looked pained, like someone was torturing his emotions.

" You think I chose this? You think I chose any of this! I didn't want to be a death eater and you know full well! If my parents were too much for Sirius then they're damn well too much for me! It was being a death eater or death, which one would you pick? "

Regulus walked right up to James, making sure their noses were mere inches apart. 

" Don't try your lame lines on me, Potter. "

And with that he walked out, leaving James stunned and emotionally drained.

Regulus on the other hand was ready to cry.

In his head he kept reminding himself that what James said wasn't true and that he had plenty of reasons to live as he walked down the corridor but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't render more than one reason.

That was the hardest part.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

" Sirius for God's sake will you just calm down for a moment! " Remus Lupin whisper shouted at his raging boyfriend.

The pair were stood in the middle of the corridor by The Fat Lady's portrait, processing the events of their dorm room.

Well, Sirius was processing them.

And not very well.

" I just can't bloody believe him! After everything we've done together he betrays me like this. Not even just me he's betrayed us all! " The long haired Gryffindor fumed.

" Sirius you can't blame James! "

" Oh really? And why can't I blame him again? "

Remus sighed.

" If I rocked up to school one day and told you that I'd become a death eater because, let's face it, I was forced to, would you still try to give us a chance? "

Sirius looked down at the floor.

" Why is he still with him, Moony? " Padfoot asked in a small and quiet voice.

The werewolf put a reassuring hand on his lover's shoulder.

" Because he loves him, there's no denying that, love. "

" Why did it have to be my brother of all people? "

Remus smiled.

" Because it just was. "

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵


so basically what's happening isssss

I'm writing two alternate endings for this book.

And ending where Reggie lives and one where he dies

I recommend reading both tho bc they both have really cute Jegulus scenes 👯❤

Anyways bye 🐸

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