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Euphemia walked out of Regulus' room, bottles of ointment in one hand and a saddened frown etched upon her face. Sirius and James walked over to the caring women, bombarding her with questions.

She held up a hand to silence them to which they did so.

"He's doing alright, you must understand that he lost a lot of blood so he won't wake up for at least another day, unfortunately no matter how hard I try the cut along his arm will scar." She gave the two boys a warm smile, trying to give them a source of comfort. 

"What about the one on his neck? Sirius asked.

"I-" She coughed. "Yes, that'll scar too."

"Oh god." Sirius sat on the chair behind him, his head in his hands.

Euphemia put a hand on James' shoulder and left the room.

"God, what if he's dying James?"

James walked over and sat next to him.

"Well mum said that he'd be alright so I suppose he will be." James wrapped an arm around Sirius' shoulder, it was something that Fleamont always did whenever James was upset when he was little. 

"I just don't get it." Sirius said, taking his head out of his hands.

"Don't get what?"

"They absolutely loathed me and I'd only ever get a few slaps and verbal insults, maybe a crucio, whereas Reggie was always the favourite child yet they nearly killed him, I just don't get that." James looked at the older boy. 

"They found out he was gay and with one of the most renowned blood traitors, I mean could you imagine what they'd do to you if they'd found out about you and Remus whilst you were still there?" 

From then on the boys sat in a comfortable silence, watching the door to Reggie's room as if it was Titanic. 

They'd spent nearly all there time on the sofa in front of the Slytherin's room since he was brought there just in case he woke up. Of course they wanted to ask questions- well- Sirius wanted to ask questions but that wasn't the reason they were waiting so intently for the boy to wake up, they wanted to be there to comfort him and let him know that it was alright. 


Walburga was fuming.

She came downstairs to find her son missing.

Their reputation had already started going downhill once the mistake of a child ran away, what would the public think knowing that both had left?

She felt no regret or remorse around the situation of Regulus' punishment, if anything she should have gone further with it.

Being gay and in love with a blood traitor is the lowest of lows.

All the years Walburga spent training Regulus to be the perfect Black heir had been thrown out the window by some boy... It was disgusting.

Punishments were supposed to make people learn, not run straight back to the problem. She'd expected better of Regulus, she really had but that Potter boy must have brainwashed him. This is the second time he's left his responsibilities however she feared that he wouldn't be coming back.

You'd expect this kind of behaviour from the lower tier, not the higher tier.


 A shorter chapter that comes in two- 

Also idk why I'm updating so much but I am-

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