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𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

" I mean, we're friends again and everything but it still feels just a tiny bit weird knowing that he- well- that he shagged my little brother! " Sirius ranted, cuddling next to me.

" It's natural to feel a bit weird at first but you can't hold it against him if another situation ever comes up. "

" I know moony, I know. "

We stayed led down on his dark red bed in silence for a few minutes before bringing up conversation again.

" Why did it have to be my brother of all people? "

" You have to admit, Sirius, he is pretty attractive and he has a decent personality if you get to know him. " Sirius sent me a death glare.

" Are you cheating on me for my death eater of a brother. "

I chuckled lightly.

" You are so dramatic sometimes, Siri ",

" Well you were on James' side when we first had the argument. "

" Firstly, I wasn't on a side and secondly, you were going just a bit too far, love. " I said gently.

He grumbled in response as I lifted up my wrist and checked the time.

" I have to go, mum'll be asking where I am. "

" Can't you just apparate? "

" We haven't taken the tests yet, dipshit. " I got out of bed and collected my belongings.

" I'll see you on the train tomorrow, yeah? "

" Whatever. "

" Love you pads. "

" Love you too moonbean. "

I walked out of the room and straight down the corridor that led me to the front door.

I strolled down the cobble path until a small flicker of light caught my eye.

It was like a yellow or orange type colour, like fire.

I looked over to the light source and saw two figures together by a fire.

Curiosity told me to go and look but everything else told me to just ignore it.

Who gives a shit if curiosity killed the cat, last time I checked I was a wolf not a miniscule tiger.

I walked carefully along the grass and towards the small forest.

The figures we're becoming clearer but not quite clear enough to make out who it was.

I had a few guesses on who they were but each was just as unlikely as the next.

I made sure to be as quiet as possible just incase it was actually a gang of death eaters.

I'd finally gotten close enough to see who it was and well...

Fuck me.

𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

" Do you ever get scared? Y'know-, about the fact that there's a war going on. " Regulus asked, his head resting on my shoulder.

" Sometimes I mean, my parents are both very well known aurors which means that they're definitely on the metaphorical list of people to kill, what about you? "

" Honestly? I'm terrified, all of this is just happening so fast and even if you are a death eater they will kill you without hesitation. It's like, one day you're happy and well and the next you see that bloody skull hovering over your house, it's most people's biggest fear. "

I sighed and held his hand tightly.

" Can I my tell you something? " He asked softly.

" Of course ",

" Promise you won't get mad at me or anything? "

" No promises. " He glared at me.

" I'm kidding, love. "

He took a deep breath.

" When the first meeting happened, just after break started, the Dark Lord set me up with a task. "

I gulped.

" What was the task? " I asked quietly, scared of what he might say.

" He set me up with the task of basically befriending you and trying to convince you to join our ranks. "

I cringed at the word 'our'.

" Is that the only reason you're here then? " I questioned, trying not to raise my voice.

" Obviously not you dimwit. If I was here just for that then I wouldn't have told you. "

I smiled to myself.

" I love you Reggie. "


" I love you too, James. "

A branch snapped.

I looked to my left purely out instinct and saw Remus standing there awkwardly.

" Moony dear, why in God's name is it always you? "

He stood there for a bit longer, not saying anything.

" Are you serious- "

" No I'm James. " I cut him off.

" James. " He said sternly.

" Remus. " I said, mocking his tone.

" What the fuck is this! " He shouted.

" It appears to be a forest. " I replied nonchalantly.

He started at me coldly.

" Answer the question James. "

" No. "

" Why? "

" Can't be told. "

" Yes because if he did tell I'd remove his organs in alphabetical order. " Regulus chimed.

" Sorry moony but I'd quite like to keep my organs for another few years. " I stood up and walked over to him.

" Petrificus totalus. " I watched as his body bined and fell to the ground, motionless.

" Obliviate. "

I put my wand back in my back pocket and walked over to Reggie again.

" I should probably go. " He said.

" Probably. Doesn't mean you have to though. "

" It kinda does, James. "

" Fine. "

He smirked.

" As long as you finally let me give you a hug. "

" What? No- "

" Just one hug! "

" I- no! "

" Please! "

" No! "

" Pretty please with a cherry on top with sprinkles! "

" No I-! Y'know what, fine. Just this once. "

" Yay! "

I immediately rushed over and wrapped my arms around him, he was stiff and tense at first but he quickly relaxed.

" See you tomorrow, Reg. "

" See you tomorrow, James. "

He disappeared into the trees leaving me to sort out the passed out body of Remus Lupin.

I sighed and started dragging him to the door.

That guy was heavy.

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