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Lianna POV

We didn't talk much on the way to the shop but it wasn't too uncomfortable. As soon as we got outside the shop I stopped her.

"Okay so Emily is my best friend she wanted to meet you, she might act weird don't question it she's weird in general." I say before we step in the door.

"Okay," she says as she opens the door, as soon as the bell chimed Emily comes around from behind the counter.

"Hi I'm Emily and you are?" She immediately goes over to Emery.

"I'm Emery it's nice to meet you." As soon as Emery introduced herself Emily squealed.

Emery POV

"Yeah, Lia hey." She turned to Lianna and gave her an excited smile to which Lianna sighed and folded her arms.

"So what are you guys doing today?" Emily spoke up.

"It's a surprise, I'll tell you later." Lianna said grabbing onto my wrist. "We have to go." She dragged me out of the shop.

She didn't let go of my wrist once we got outside, she wasn't pulling me though. It was like she wanted to hold it but was holding back.

"You're still holding onto my wrist." I pointed out smiling.

"Oh sorry," she blushed and  immediately dropped my wrist and put her hand in her pocket.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." She shook her head and blushed harder, I smiled as she covered her cheeks with her hair.

"So we are heading to the palace if you haven't seen it, then to Regent's Park we'll see the shard and then we will go to at James' park." She looked over to me and smiled.

"Okay, but I thought it was a surprise."

"Yeah well screw that, we also should go to the London eye then Hyde park then Westminster abbey, Trafalgar Square, Tower of London, Big Ben, the tower bridge and St. Paul's cathedral. Not particularly in that order."

"Aye aye captain, let's get going then."

The day flew by we saw everything on her list and had time to walk about, we had both agreed not to go in any of them and just to see them from the outside. The only thing we did was go on the London eye.

"Hey you ok?" I turn to Lianna and she is closing her eyes and her knuckles were white.

"Yeah, just I don't like hights to much." She peeked out of one of her eyes but immediately shut them again.

"Come here." I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. "You don't have to be scared I got you." She took a deep breath and put her head on my shoulder as we reached the top.

"It's a beautiful view though," she looked out of the glass right in front of us, but I looked down at her and smiled. Her hair was up in a messy bun, not much had changed from when we were younger. She still had bright red lips, although she added more colour to her wardrobe.

"Yeah I didn't know there could be a view this beautiful." I rested my head on hers.

"Look out the window woman." She put her hand on my thigh and looked up at me.

"How did you know?" 

"You haven't changed much in the last 7 years, I just took a wild guess." She moved her head and buried it in my neck.

"You haven't changed much either you know, I guess you matured." She lifts her head up and smiles.

"I'm not cheese, and I've not matured."

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