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Emery POV

About a month went by since the business proposal went down since then my parents have been planning this big event in a week that I had to go to, there is going to be this big surprise announcement so I had to attend. I don't mind going to them I hang about with my friends when we go we just kind of stand and talk.

"Hey em," I turn to see Nicole and kyle, "where's Jordan and Makayla they said they where here already."

"They're getting food." I said as they sat down in front of me.

"Hey, Emery." I heard her voice behind me I froze, I could see my friends shocked expressions on their faces, so I turned.

"Hey," I said as normally as I could while turning around to meet Lianna's eyes.

"You have Mrs Keatinge for Latin right?" I nodded as she looked down at me, "can I borrow your Latin notes? I'm moving from AP Spanish to Latin."

(I know nothing about American schools so this stuff might sound weird)

"Yeah sure, why are you moving though?" I looked at her, "you're like, super smart."

I could've sweared she blushed a little when I said that, "I have already taken the Spanish exam this is to fill a space." I look at her in astonishment, she has taken the Spanish exam for next year.

"Oh, here," I said handing her the notes.

"Thank you, I'll give you them in Latin next period."

I just nodded and turned back to face my friends.

A few minutes later Lianna was back in her usual place under the willow tree. I looked at her while she was studying the notes and writing some stuff in a book, she looked so perfect.

I finished my lunch and took out my phone my dad had been discussing the business deal all week so he would text me any minute with the conclusion, I got up just as the bell rang for the end of lunch so I headed to Latin.

As I took my seat Lianna walked in and placed my notes on my desk, I looked down at a post it stuck on one of the pages. 'Thanks' it said, I smiled and got out my books. By the time class ended my phone was vibrating in my pocket like crazy, I took it and they were from dad, they had accepted and there was going to be an event held next week for an announcement, I nodded and headed to the next class.

(Time skip)

It was the morning of the event so I lay out a trailered suit and shoes, in the mean time I put on a pair of shorts and a shirt then head down for some food.

I had no idea what the announcement was at the garden party today was going to be, but I knew it was big and important, it seems like my mom and brother were kept out of the loop as well.

After I had something to eat I showered and put on my suit and did my hair, I was ready to go but the rest of my family weren't so I sat texted Makayla, all my friends hung out at the events we normally just talked but Makayla wasn't going to this one because they were on vacation but she wanted to know what the announcement was.

"Ready," my mom said walking into the kitchen where I was sitting, we were all finally ready.

We finally got there on time, the area was decorated with white and cream it looked like an overpriced wedding, as we got further in more and more people came up to my brother talking business, it was weird it was normally me. I managed to escape the boredom of my brother talking about complete crap and found my friends by the bar.

"Hey," I said walking up to the group.

"Oh, hey, where have you been? Mindy asked handing me a glass.

"Mom took a while to get ready," I gave Mindy a hug it had been a while since I saw her since she didn't go to our school. "On another note, how's boarding school?"

She smiled and took a sip from her glass, "I got kicked out," I laughed it wasn't surprising it was her fifth school in a year.

"Turn around," Nicole said smiling.

I turned to see Lianna walking towards us, she was wearing a white blouse with a black blazer over it, she had her hair up with the front bits down framing her face perfectly, her lips were painted red like they usually were. She had a faint smile is her face, but she was coming straight towards us.

"Hey, my dad said I should talk to people my age, so can I just stay here?" She smiled at us

"Yeah, sure," I smiled back at her moving so she has a space to move in to.

"So I don't see you much at these," I said turning to her blocking us off from the others,

Yeah I don't normally enjoy these, my dad said I had to come to this one," I nodded understanding that these weren't the most fun things in the world.

"Can I have everybody's attention please!" My dads voice boomed from the stage area at the back, "can Emery Hinesfield and Lianna Carter please come up here," I looked the Lianna with a puzzled look, she looked equally as confused, we walked up to the stage together at stood beside our fathers on opposite sides of the stage.

"Ok we have a very big announcement to make," Lianna's father said looking at both of us, "we are merging the businesses," everybody in the audience clapped, "and we are doing that with a marriage of our eldest, Emery and Lianna."

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