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Emery POV

The next couple days passed and I still hadn't really talked to her, I looked back out the window, she was still under that willow tree. I stared a her, she had sandwich in her hand but it was untouched and her head was down looking at the book on her lap.

(Time skip)

I was heading to last period I had my head down staring at my phone when I bumped into someone, "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I muttered, then I looked up.

"It's fine," it's her, I look up to see her standing there holding her book in her folded arms, she was perfect, her porcelain skin, her perfect lips, her perfect hair in a perfect bun, wisps of her hair complemented her features.

My face went bright red I could feel my ears burning, "Hi," was the only thing I could think to say.

"Hi." She replied.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it,"

"I know, it's okay," she gave me a small smile revealing a dimple on her cheek.

My heart started beating faster I could feel why body starting to heat up I looked into her deep eyes they were almost black. I don't know why I get so nervous around her, I mean I've liked her and been obsessed about her for ages but I never got this nervous around anyone else. "Umm, I have to go, bye." I smiled at her and walked right past her not looking back.

(Time skip)

Why did I have to do this, I parked my car outside of the mansion, it was similar to my family's but it had a more simple design to it. You see most of the kids at my private school are rich, our family's are big business owners and things like that. I was quite involved with my dads business I went to events like most other kids but I went to meetings and met with partners, but today my dad is in a meeting with my brother and other partners and I have to go in my dads place to purpose this idea to Mr Carter, a big business man, he is also Lianna's father. I walked up to the security guards and showed my pass then proceeded to walk up to the door, I rang the doorbell and within seconds a maid was there to let me in.

I was standing in the foyer when Mr Carter came from his office. "Ahh, Ms Hinesfield
I've been expecting you, prompt as usual." He smiles and leads me to his office.

After the meeting we head back into the foyer, "what a lovely suit, It looks good on you, your father taught you well," He smiles.

"Thank you," I loved Mr Carter he was always so kind to me about my sexuality and was very respectful about my decisions. The thing I liked is he respects people, not just me, everybody he doesn't treat me like a child.

"Father!" I hear a voice from upstairs, followed by Lianna walking down the stairs behind us.

"Lianna, you go to school with Ms Hinesfield don't you?" He smiled and gestures to me.

"Yes, I do," she says to her father and then turns to me, "hey."

"Hi," I say smiling, then I turn to Mr Carter, "well I'll be taking my leave then, its been a pleasure to do business with you."

"Yes, I'll get in touch with your father and sort out the details."

We shook hands and I turned and walk out to my car parked just outside the gate.

I hope you like it

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