Chapter 45 - Back to the City

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Natalia's P. O. V

After the quiet celebration of the previous night's successes in the form of an elaborately cooked meal by me, and a soothing bath drawn for Kaesha, and embellished with herbs at Hailey's suggestion, the next day came quickly.

We got dressed and packed for our pending departure, gathering all our luggage in one spot, then made our way back to the Pine River territory. On our way there, Kaesha's scent changed and I felt the mind link go back up.

A bath and some food really wouldn't be enough to thank her.

We were greeted relatively warmly once we arrived. Hailey and Kaesha were roped into playing with some children while the Alpha and Beta invited Timothy inside to talk logistics. I followed the sound of their movements to the window outside the Alpha's office. Pretending to watch Hailey and Kaesha entertain the children, I leaned back on the wall and listened.

"You already said that there isn't much you'll need us to do for the time being, but I would like to have an idea of the role you intend for us to play in the future."

'Reassure them that it's nothing too big or demanding. They won't actively confront the Lightwoods in person.'

"I won't have you intentionally cross their path, if that's what you're worried about. The role I have for my current and future allies is vital, but minimal." Timothy started.

'After I officially create my pack, I want us to grow in members and allies at such an alarming rate that it catches the Lightwood Pack's attention. That should draw them to me and they'll try to wreak the havoc they did here. The difference is that we'll be ready and waiting to crush them when they act out. With an audience of Alphas from all their previously targeted packs, of course.'

The Alpha remained silent after Timothy had repeated my words.

It was the Beta that spoke up, "Even if this works, who's to say that those truly in charge at that wretched pack will be the ones to visit you? And what of the repercussions from the Royals? They obviously have friends in high places."

'Because I have a silver bullet with their name on it. Their greed will works against them.'

The Alpha broke his silence after Timothy's words, "Sounds like you've got it all planned out."

"I've had a long time to think." Timothy replied.

Satisfied, they moved on to logistics, talking about what we could do to help each other and how often we were to meet. Chipping in my terms through Timothy, we managed to work out something mutually profitable, leaving room for adjustments once we officially set our base up.

An hour later, the details were nicely wrapped up and we congregated in the dining hall again, for a farewell meal. There was no speech this time, but I guess the general knowledge that we'd be out of their fur by the end of the day made the members noticeably more amicable. Several adults still sulked and glared, but most were more receptive to Hailey's good natured curiosity and enthusiasm. Some of them even engaged in long conversations after the meal.

A soft tug on the hem of my shirt pulled me out of my observation. I looked down to see Karla staring up at me, her small brow furrowed with a question.

"Are you magic too?"

I blinked, "Huh?"

She looked over at Kaesha then back at me, "She's full of magic, the scent is so strong. The boy has a little too, and the other girl. But yours smells different. You smell like magic, but I don't think it's yours. Kinda like it's hiding from you."

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