Chapter 49 - Killdrain First Day

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Natalia's P. O. V

I inspected myself in the mirror.

'You should try a high ponytail.' Candy insisted.

I held my hair up, cocking my head at the look, 'Really?'

'Yeah, it looks preppy and focused. Plus, you can wear one of the pairs of heels Hailey made you get.'

I gave a short laugh, 'I'll go for the ponytail, but I'm sticking with the flats.'

'Sure, they're cute,' she groaned, 'but the heels could really take everything to another level.'

I rolled my eyes, 'You already got me into this skirt, I'm not gonna run to campus in heels, Candy.'

I'd have been content wearing jeans and a simple shirt, but she'd coerced me into a fitted burgundy miniskirt and a black, sleeveless, halter neck shirt with matching tights and the spelled jacket. To fit the look, I'd chosen some black ballerina flats, but she somehow still wasn't satisfied.

As I suppressed another twinge of nerves, I couldn't blame her.

Today was the day.

The resumption dates for both Killdrain and the School for Syrens had coincided. Two weeks ago, after some deliberation, I'd changed my major to Political Science, with a minor in Economics, and registered all my classes for the morning. Apparently, most people preferred to start their days after noon, but I needed to get to the Syren school by half-past twelve for the Supernatural classes.

Hailey had tried her best to convince me to move some classes to the afternoon, so we could attend the one class we shared together.

"Please, Ari! We could go back to my room after classes and hang out, or go out to ear or something."

"Sorry, Hailey." I smiled apologetically, "I want all my classes done by morning so I don't need to think about them for the rest of the day."

"But, it's just one day! Digital Marketing and Mass Communications and Political Science and Economics are in no way connected, so the one Communication class we have may be the only bridge we'll get, most likely till we graduate."

"Most of your classes start by the time I'm finishing up, so we can cross paths."

She huffed, blowing on a stray strand of blonde hair, "I guess..."

The truth was, I would've loved to share a class with her. But I couldn't explain to her why I couldn't. Not yet.

I grabbed my book bag and left my room to get something to eat. Once downstairs, I met Timothy in the kitchen.

"Good morning."

"Morning." He grumbled, shovelling more eggs into his mouth.

I retrieved the things for a bowl of cereal, "Still not a morning person?"

He scoffed, "I blame your damn bed, it's too comfortable. Makes getting up a fucking death sentence. I can't wait to move out."

"You know there's no rush, you can take your time to get on your feet."

He grunted, focusing on his food.

He'd finally gotten hired on a construction site a few weeks back. As soon as he'd gotten the job, he started packing his bag, ready to move out. It'd taken the three of us doing some serious convincing to get him to stay, at least till he'd saved up enough for a six month's rent in a simple apartment. We knew he hated staying here and feeling like he was taking charity, but it was only smart.

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