Chapter 50 - Syren School First Day

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Natalia's P. O. V

"Nice of you to join us."

I ignored the sound of my heartbeat in my ears, avoiding the looks of my classmates, "Sorry I'm late."

She sighed, moving to her laptop, "It's fine. What's your name?"


Her eyes ran over her screen, "Natalia Sayna?"

I nodded.

Syrenlina was a major household name among Syrens, so Mrs Burton had registered me with a made up last name to maintain the low profile I'd requested.

She marked me present then waved me off, "Take a seat."

I weaved between the desks, scurrying over to a seat at the back.

"Alright class. As I was saying, my name's Julia Zreed. This particular class is made up of the Lost Group. Most of you had little to no idea of your heritage so, I'll be teaching you Syren Fundamentals. It's like a crash course of the basics of existing as a Syren and you'll be required to take it for the first week or two."

With everyone's attention back on Ms Zreed, I glanced at the others in the class. Of the eighteen of us, just three were guys. There were a few who had two-toned hair, but most others had the usual black hair. The thing that really united everyone in the classroom, whatever their gender or skin tone or hair colour or texture, was the fact that they were all nothing short of gorgeous.

My attention went back to Ms Zreed as she continued, "For your afternoon classes, you'll have all your subjects outside basic academia. Those of you that haven't had your Uncovering yet will take Syrenlina Ecosystem, Syren History, Inter-species Relations, and Syrenlina World Structure, along with your elective. Once you have your Uncovering, Special Abilities will be added to your classes. Any questions?"

A girl closer to the front of the class, with the faintest hints of purple at the end of her bobbed hair, raised her hand, "How will we be graded for this class?"

"For this class, and all your afternoon classes, you'll have oral reviews to determine your understanding. Some teachers may have specific details that they'll ask for, while others will just let you talk about what you know of the subject. At the end of the first week, that's how we'll determine which of you will need to take this class for a second week. Any more questions?"

Nobody said anything further, so she launched into the lesson.

She'd decided to start off the subject with Uncoverings and all they entailed.

"As most of you have probably noticed, your Uncovering will come with a colour addition to the black of your hair. In the weeks leading up to it, your puberty will be accelerated and your allure, the thing that causes the innate attraction the opposite sex has to you, will increase. Some Syrens have also had an eye colour change, but it's not that common. After your Uncovering, regular hair dye or contacts won't work, so there are enchanted products we use to stay hidden."

On the electronic board, she showed two pictures of the same Syren, two weeks apart. In the first one, she had plain black hair and, while still beautiful, a less mature look. In the second one, she'd grown into all her features and a bright orange had been added to the ends of her hair.

"The biggest change will be your special ability. Most Syrens get a nature-centric affinity or power, and some can control more intangible things like sound, emotions or illusions. Usually, Syrens get one or two abilities, very rarely does a person get three. Special abilities will usually be illustrated in the form of a tattoo somewhere on your body that only you, your family and later, your life partner can see. Usually, the bigger the tattoo, the stronger the ability, but they have been known to grow if you actively train for it."

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