Chapter 11 - New Place. Old Place

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Natalia's P. O. V

My phone vibrated in my pocket, signalling a call. I held my hand up as I answered it.


"Good morning. This is Kelly from Palace Homes. I'm calling to inform you that your appointment is due for noon today." It was voice of the brunette from the reception. That was fast.

"Thank you. I'll be there." I replied and hung up then checked my watch – eight forty-three. I had time.

I turned back to Kirstin. "Sorry for the interruption. You were saying?"

"What are you gonna do during the years I'll be collecting information?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'll be in college." She didn't say anything and stared at me with surprise like it was the last think she expected me to say. "What?"

She shook her head, "Nothing. It's just that, werewolves never go to school after they graduate high school."

It made sense. Werewolves usually made money from careers that didn't require a third level of education and it was common to find Alphas taxing their members for supply funds and, a surprising number of times, their pockets.

I shrugged, "I did tell Harry and Kylie that I'd make something out of myself."

She smirked, "I know. Your letter to Kylie was practically bleeding your hatred."

I raised a brow, "You read that?"

"Of course I did. I needed to be sure that if you were alive, you'd be on board with revenge against her."

Now that she mentioned it, how did she know?

"How did you know I was alive?" I asked.

She stiffened at the question and I could see the internal battle she was having through her eyes. Maybe she was consulting her wolf the way I did most of the time.

"I'magiftedwerewolf." She blurted suddenly, too fast for me to make out the words.

"Come again?"

She took a deep breath, "I'm a gifted werewolf. If I connect enough with anything, I can see its past. I connected with the forest where you were said to have died and asked it to show me the last female werewolf who didn't shift. That's how I found out you were alive. No one knows about it cause I was going to tell my mate first but..." she trailed off.

I knew what she meant without her having to say it. "That's a useful skill, especially for our purpose. It's a good thing nobody else knows about it. You can use it on the targets and the former and current higher ups"

"Why didn't I think of that?" She murmured to herself.

"Tell me any useful information you have on the targets at the moment since you're in their circle of friendship."

She thought for a moment, "Harry cheats on Kylie with human girls at school and a few of the loners in the pack at least three times a week and I'm not counting the rounds for each time. He even has a jar labelled 'booty calls' full of phone numbers that he keeps in Andrea's room for when Kylie's out and he's 'bored'"

I shook my head, "Given his nature, that doesn't surprise me. Anything else on him?"

She thought for a moment, "He did mention something about drug dealing during a party. He was completely wasted so I don't think it's very accurate. Other than that, I don't know any information on him that can be useful to us."

That piqued my interest, "If it is true, that can prove very useful since drug dealing is also illegal in werewolf society. Look into it. What about the others?"

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