Chapter 80 - Sabotage

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Brittany's P. O. V

It pissed me off.

Everything about this place, from the too-impressive training grounds, to their flourishing greenhouse, right down to their fucking barns, was made elaborately and soundly. All their equipment was top of the line, and as Hailey showed me around, I saw their members working in the fields and training too efficiently to be amateurs.

'Where the fuck did they get actual farmers and warriors?'

In this era, farming and combat weren't things deemed as necessary as they once were. The days of territorial bickering and living off the land were behind us, yet here these people were, training like we were still at war with the Vampires and ploughing like there wasn't a supermarket an hour away.

After unpacking my things in the shoebox of a room their bitch of an Alpha had put me in, I followed James' scent to find him in the room opposite mine.

I walked in without bothering to knock and clicked the door shut behind me. He shot me an annoyed look, which I ignored as I stomped around his room.

They'd given him a better one.

'What is it, Brittany?' His tone reflected the look on his face.

'Can you believe these people?! Sticking us in tiny rooms like we're some stray wolves and not from one of the best packs in the country.'

He rolled his eyes, 'Is that all? We don't need to be griping about our rooms when we've got work to do.'

'You don't need to tell me that.'

Nobody – not him, not anyone – understood how important bringing this pack down was more than I did. They'd gone from twelve members to forty-seven despite the fact that, due to Werewolves' tendency to form connections to their territory, many small packs remained in their number range for years. The amount they paid in dues had compounded on itself faster than any of my predictions had accounted for. They'd gained seventeen allies in their first month alone and had accepted three more requests before ours after the Mate Ball.

And all in the span of just under a year.

If left to their own devices, there was no doubt they'd grow to rival us in the not-too-distant future. I knew it, and dad did too. Initially, he had been passive about this pack. It was small fry to him, a dot on the map. But in the month before the Mate Ball, he'd finally seen the potential they held.

Potential that we needed to crush.

I remembered the day he'd called me to his office, and I'd arrived to see James there with him.

"Brittany, come in, have a seat." He'd gestured to the chair next to James and I sat down.

"This Vengar Sanguine," He flipped through the file I'd made on them that had since bulked up with more updates, "They're on the fast track and we need to put on the breaks."

My heart raced. Was this what I'd thought it was?

He put the file down and looked at the two of us, "I'll be sending you both there to handle them. They're new enough that the right amount of unbalance will make them disband entirely. I need you to be thorough and meticulous enough to do that."

It was! He was finally trusting me with something big!

I did my best to keep the smile off my face, "Yes Alpha. We'll pull out all the stops."

My dad, the Alpha, was finally recognising my usefulness and I had every intention of living up to his expectations. So no one, absolutely no one, was going to get in the way of me completing my first assignment.

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