Chapter 12 - Heart Warming Gift

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Natalia's P. O. V

"Syrenlina." I whispered. My last name.

"You're her daughter." Mrs Margret said it like a statement, "I knew there was something familiar about you. You have the same face and you carry yourself the same way. You probably got your father's eyes."

'No, I didn't get either of their eyes', I thought.

Hatred filled me at the thought of the sperm donor and I forced a smile, "Probably."

"Aquina said that I have to ask you three questions to be sure of your relation to her." She unlocked a drawer and pulled a paper out.

I nodded, "Go ahead."

"Did you know her last name before the past three years?"


She checked the paper, "What are the names of your step family members?"

"Clark Lightwood, Tiffany Helena Lightwood, Harry Theodore Lightwood and Brittany Penelope Lightwood."

"What was your mother's favourite song? Explain your answer."

I remembered my five tear old self asking my mum this same question after hearing a song on the radio for the first time. Her answer had puzzled me at the time but I understood now, "She didn't have one. She always said that every melody, lyric and song was a different expression or story. She said that to ask her favourite song was like asking a book lover their favourite novel – each one was too unique and has a different impact to be compared to another in terms of the best." It was true. My mum had only been a music lover but I adored music, art and reading and from personal experience, I could say it applied to all of them.

Mrs Margret put the paper down and smiled at me, "Well, I guess that proves you're her daughter."

She searched the drawer and produced a set of keys and a different sheet of paper, "Here's the key. Just sign here and the house is yours."

I read the paper and signed.

She handed me the key, "Are there any things you'd like to move to the house?"

"Just clothes. Can you help me with them?"

"Of course. Your mother paid for our moving branch to cater for your move."

"Thank you. May I have some paper and a pen?" She handed them to me and I wrote my address down, "This is where I live. Will it be alright if they come at seven in the evening?"

"No problem." She replied.

"Thank you."

I walked out, smiling at the brunette as I passed.

On the cab ride to my landlord's place, Candy spoke up, 'I'm sorry, Nat.'

I sighed, 'It's alright. I know you're worried about us but we're gonna be fine. We don't need anyone – we have each other. That's more than enough.'

'Yeah, each other.' She echoed.

After a brief silence, I whispered to her, 'Mom lived here.'

'She did', Candy agreed.

'Did you like the house?'

'Of course! It has everything both of us want and it's already beautifully furnished. It's like mom knew.'

'She always managed to know exactly what I like.'

'What was she like?' Candy asked.

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