Namjoon: Vampire's Mate

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Little Valentine's Day gift:)

Hey everyone!!! Here's the first oneshot. Like I already said, I'll only update this when I get requests and they'll most likely always be open.

NO SHIPS because I plan on starting a ship book once my Yoonmin book hits 1,000 reads. Please clarify what genre you want or what type of au such as idol, school, mafia, etc. If in the request there states which type of au you want, I'll just make it an idol au because, if you haven't noticed yet, all of my stories are idol aus.

Anyway, this oneshot was requested by @AsherahThompsonCart2  :)



   "Namjoon, again! You're still not doing it right!" Hoseok shouted once he paused the music. Namjoon looked exasperatedly at his hyung.

   "Hyung, I'm literally doing it right. It may be a little slower than you guys can do it and it's not as smooth, but I'm actually doing all the right movements."

   "No, you're not, Namjoon!"

   "Hoseok, our dance teacher literally praised me on it earlier before he left! You and everyone else are just taking your frustrations out on me!" Namjoon yelled angrily while he crossed his arms.

   "Yah, listen to your hyung, Namjoon! And how dare you speak to your elder without using honorifics?!" Yoongi exclaimed. Namjoon could feel his face turn a dark red from both anger and embarrassment.

   "He's only, like, seven months older than me! And he's the one being mean to me for literally no reason!"

   "Kim Namjoon, you better hush your mouth right now."

   "Yeah, Hyung. Just because you're our leader doesn't mean you get to slack off and boss everyone around," Jungkook scoffed. Namjoon turned towards him and gave him a betrayed look.

   "I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING!" he screamed.

   "You know what, Namjoon? The rest of us that have actually gotten the dance down will go home, while you stay here all by yourself and practice to actually get the dance right," commanded Seokjin. Namjoon watched with a parted mouth as everyone agreed with what he said and went to pack up their stuff.

   "You can't be serious," Namjoon said in shock.

   "Damn right we're serious, Joon. You can stay here all night for all we care, because we did not work this hard only for you to bring us down with your shitty dancing skills," Yoongi growled. Namjoon stared at him dumbfoundedly as angry tears began to pool in his eyes.

   "How dare you," he whispered.

   "He's just speaking facts, Namjoon. Don't get all butthurt about it," Jimin said while rolling his eyes, not even bothering to use his honorifics--the exact same thing that Yoongi had literally just scolded Namjoon over.

   "I agree," said Taehyung.

   "Just practice, Namjoon, and don't come back until that dance is perfect." And the other six members of BTS left the room, leaving Namjoon all alone.

   The second the door closed, Namjoon screamed into the empty space in frustration. How could they casually say all those awful things about him right to his face? Namjoon quite literally had the entire dance now. All that he needed to do was work it completely up to speed and make it a tad bit more graceful. Their dance coach did in fact compliment Namjoon on learning the dance so fast, and Namjoon was feeling so good about himself. Only for his members to take their stress and anger out on him. He felt so shitty at the moment.

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