Yoongi: Hybrid Girlfriend

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Another oneshot requested by @arknight_shifter !!!


Warning: A little more mature than my previous oneshots and stories.


   Yoongi had met you around two years ago at a grocery store.

   He had been forced to go to the store by himself due to his bandmates. They were back at home from a long and hefty world tour, and Yoongi honestly just wanted to sleep again in his bed. But, they had no food in the house and they needed to eat somehow, so Yoongi was voted off and had to go.

   The moment he caught sight of you choosing which meat to buy for yourself, he immediately knew that he'd love you forever. It was love at first sight, you could say. His breath had hitched as soon as he laid eyes on you. You were easily the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. You had the most pretty eyes, an adorable nose, and the plumpest, most tasty looking lips he'd ever seen anyone possess--He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to claim your entire body as his. But, before Yoongi could muster up the courage to speak to you, you were gone.

   Yoongi was thrown into distress the second that he realized that he could no longer see you; that you were gone. Tears had formed in his eyes as he bit back a sob. He didn't even know why he felt so upset about a girl that he'd never even interacted with. However, all he knew was that he needed you, and he needed you now.

   Everyday, Yoongi returned to the store secretly without the other boys knowing, hoping that he'd see you again, and everyday that he didn't see you, he got more and more discouraged. He knew no one else was for him; no one else could be for him. You were it. The love of his life. Unless he got you, he knew he'd remain alone for the rest of his life.

   Until finally, around three weeks later, Yoongi finally was reunited with his love. He had almost sobbed in relief when he saw you, once again searching through the meat. Instead of idling around like he did the first time he saw you, he immediately made his way over to you, introduced himself shamelessly despite being a famous idol, and asked you out for a date. Of course, you were completely surprised. You didn't know a lot of idols, but you recognized Yoongi from a couple of TV commercials. But, the only thing you knew was his name, and not his personality, and therefore you accepted his offer and traded phone numbers with him. Yoongi never had any reason to believe that the only reason you said yes was because he was famous because you barely knew him in the first place, which made Yoongi extremely happy.

   You two texted each other, getting to know one another, for about two weeks before you decided on the day of your date. Yoongi was falling deeper and deeper in love with you the more he texted you, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he could stop himself from telling you. His, he would tell himself. You were only his. He'd never let you leave him; you belonged to him now.

   On your first date, you revealed yourself as a panther hybrid to Yoongi as soon as he stepped through the door. You knew that if you waited there was a huge possibility that he didn't like hybrids and would leave you, and you were too afraid of that happening, as you knew it'd break you apart completely. When Yoongi didn't give you a disgusted look or run away the moment that you told him, you knew that Yoongi was a good guy.

   For the first date, you and Yoongi watched movies at your apartment and talked to each other about everything and nothing. You weren't feeling self conscious about your panther features and allowed yourself to swish your tail freely. Unconsciously, at some point, your tail had wrapped around Yoongi's wrist when you both were laughing about something random. Yoongi's smile had never been brighter before that had happened. He'd never been this open to someone he barely knew before, but, for some reason, he felt like he'd known you his entire life.

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