Jimin: Back in Time

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Another oneshot!!!

This oneshot is requested by SQUASHYCHILD !!! Enjoy~~<3


   Jimin pulled away from the random girl's lips with a smirk on his face. He watched amusedly as she blushed and hid her face behind her hands. With one last wink, Jimin walked away from the girl and headed towards the bathroom.

   The second Jimin made sure that he was alone in the bathroom, his tough guy façade collapsed as well as himself. He hated that he acted like that. He hated that he had to act like that. Acting like the selfish playboy that he really wasn't was taking a toll on his mental health, but that was the only way that people would love him. Jimin lived off of attention. Not having even close to enough attention growing up, Jimin was forced to seek for it elsewhere--girls. 

   Jimin brought his knees up to his chest and placed his head in between them, allowing a small sob to escape his lips. Why? Why did he allow himself to become this . . . thing? He hated himself for letting his first kiss become a whore's. He hated himself for getting with a new girl every week and then leaving them heartbroken when he cheated on them or broke up with them after getting what he wanted. But, at least he still maintained his virginity. He actually most likely wouldn't be alive right now if he allowed himself to stoop that low.

   In middle school, Jimin was a loser. Everyone made fun of him because of his baby fat and glasses. Literally no one wanted to be his friend. He also grew up in and out of foster houses, as no one wanted to take care of him, claiming that he was too hard to take care of. No one supported his dreams--they said that he'd always be a failure.

   All he wanted to do in life was be a contemporary dancer. He enjoyed ballet, jazz--but apparently liking stuff like that made him feminine. He wasn't feminine! He still liked girls, he just loved to dance gracefully. What was wrong with that?

   With a sigh, Jimin wiped his tears from off his face and trudged over to the sink, where he attempted to make himself look decent before he showed up "fashionably late" to class. For some reason, the girls liked when he got in trouble--they said that he looked hot. How, he didn't know. But he'd take what he could get.

   "PARK JIMIN! WHY ARE YOU LATE TO MY CLASS AGAIN?!" his teacher screamed at him as he slammed open the door to his classroom. Jimin rolled his eyes on the outside, but on the inside, he was apologizing profusely to his teacher. He had to do it for the fame!

   "I got lost," Jimin lied in a bored voice.



   "J-Just--" Jimin's teacher frowned. He secretly gave him an apologetic look when he turned to face him. His teacher somehow caught this and sighed. "Just go sit down." Jimin nodded and walked to his seat in the back next to his "friends".

   The only reason that Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were friends with Jimin was because he was popular, and Jimin knew it. None of them actually liked him, as none of the other boys in the school did. He had caught them multiple times talking shit about him, mocking him for the way he dressed, the way he talked, the way he laughed--it truly destroyed Jimin's heart when he first found out about their fakeness. But he continued hanging out with them because, hey, fake love was better than no love, right?

   "Hey, Min, what's up?" Jungkook asked with a fake smile on his face as Jimin sat down.

   "Nothing much; just finished making out with some girl," Jimin said with a fake smirk.

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