Namjoon: Vampire's Mate Pt. 2

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Surprise update even though I'm on a week hiatus!

This part 2 was requested by @arknight_shifter :)



   The other six members of BTS were starting to notice something off about Namjoon.

   Ever since that one weird night where Yoongi could've sworn he heard a woman's voice in Namjoon's room, Namjoon has been keeping more and more to himself. The boys could see physical changes in their leader and honestly, they were getting quite worried. But Namjoon could care less about them at this point because they still haven't apologized to him for using him as a stress reliever.

   "Hyung, what's going on with him? He doesn't even talk to us anymore and is always in his room! Is he upset with us about something?" Jungkook asked Yoongi one night.

   "I don't know, Kook. But it's getting on my absolute nerves."

   "What could it be? What if you actually did hear a woman's voice in his room that one night?" questioned Jimin as he rested his chin on his hand.

   "There's a possibility that I was right, but also one that I was just hearing things."

   "Old man," Seokjin coughed.

   "So I think we should just keep observing him," Yoongi finished, ignoring Seokjin's comment.

   "Sounds good to me. Let's get some rest now; we have soundcheck," said Hoseok. The six boys nodded and treaded to their rooms, brand new methods of stalking their leader running through their minds.


   Namjoon collapsed onto the couch backstage tiredly. The boys were in the middle of soundcheck with a few of their fans in the audience, and Namjoon had stupidly forgot to drink any blood before he had come. He was absolutely parched. Usually Namjoon was pretty good about his blood intake, but it had completely slipped his mind this time.

   Hungrily, Namjoon stared at each and every person as they passed by him. Their necks looked so appetizing . . . So fresh--

   Namjoon shook away his thirst thoughts. He had to get away before he accidentally took a life. And so, Namjoon hurriedly stood from his chair and made his way outside, not knowing that a few suspicious eyes followed his every move.

   Once outside, Namjoon immediately brought out his phone and dialed your number. The ringing only lasting half a second, Namjoon unconsciously sighed when he heard your soft, "Hello?" from the other side.

   "Baby," Namjoon heaved.

   "Joon, what's wrong?"

   "Baby, I forgot to drink. I'm about to attack someone," Namjoon panted as he controlled his raging breathing.

   "Joonie! You've never forgotten to drink!"

   "I know! But I need you to get over here with something because those staff members are looking rather delicious."

   "I'll be right over there, love."

   True to your word, you appeared behind a corner and walked over to where Namjoon stood, a blood bag from a nearby hospital, transferred into a hydro flask, in hand. You both chose not to kill when fulfilling your thirst, but you knew at some point, there'd be a time where you'd have no choice. Thankfully, you both could still drink from each other, though.

   Namjoon met you halfway over and took the blood from your outstretched hand, immediately gulping it down as quickly as he could. You watched intensely as his Adam's Apple bobbed up and down as he inhaled his blood down desperately. Namjoon could look hot doing literally anything.

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