Jungkook: Werewolf

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Here's another oneshot guys!!! This one was requested by Fatema_30 !

The requester gave me full reign, and so I decided to make a sub Jungkook and dom Reader! Remember guys, straight men can be subby too!!!~(>_<。)\And if you're thinking of saying something mean about it then leave now! Because I will delete the comment after muting your account from my stories. The next Jungkook oneshot will have him as a dom if the requester so requests.



   Jungkook wasn't actually scared of girls. No, actually far from it. People suspected that Jungkook was falling more towards the male side, but he didn't. Well, not exactly. Jungkook found himself admiring both the male and female genders, but all he knew was that he was waiting for the one. His mate. The one true person that would love Jungkook unconditionally, even if he wasn't like how he was in front of a camera.

   Truth was, Jungkook was a sub. He loved cute things and being babied, even if he wouldn't tell his hyungs that. He acted all dominant and manly-like in front of his fans because he knew that it would attract them more, no matter how uncomfortable it actually made him. He forced himself out of his comfort zone to lift up his abs to his fans, even though he felt as if he was betraying his fated mate, which nobody even knew he had.

   Jungkook was a werewolf--one that left his pack to pursue his dreams of becoming an idol. His family was actually quite supportive of him, to his surprise. The only thing that he didn't tell him was that he was submissive, but that was okay. He planned on telling them when he finally found the one, which he thought would be sooner than he thought based on all of the people that they met on a daily basis. A few years into being an idol, Jungkook concluded that his mate probably wasn't a fan. That was okay, though, because he would just make them a fan.

   The pup found himself daydreaming about his mate all the time. He imagined different scenarios--with both men and women--and in all of them, he was their little baby. He longed for someone to treat him with the utmost of care like grooming, but he knew it could only be his mate that he allowed to do so. It was harder to avoid males that weren't his mate because he was a man himself, but it was fairly easy to avoid females. Nobody would actually suspect that he just didn't want to get involved with other people that weren't his mate, fearing that his mate might one day catch him at a bad time with someone else.

   Currently, Jungkook was getting himself ready for a walk. He quite liked going outside on dark nights, walking aimlessly through the streets of Seoul (he also hoped to one day run into his mate). When he was all dressed up into black clothes with a complementary black face mask, Jungkook opened the door to his room and crept out into the hallway, using his heightened sense of smell to sniff out any stragglers. When he found none, he snuck out of the house after putting his shoes on and made his way to the park.

   With a single Airpod in his ear, Jungkook followed a trail in his local park, enjoying all the different smells and sights. A satisfied sigh left his lips as he sat down on a park bench. Everything would be absolutely perfect if he had his mate sitting by his side, but he knew that he'd wait for as long as it takes for his mate to enter into his life.

   And just as that final thought travelled through his mind, an indescribable scent entered into his nose. Jungkook gasped and tears gathered in his eyes and he hurriedly rose to his feet and searched around for the source of the wonderful smell, and when he found it, a quiet sob escaped his lips. 

   His mate was a female, seemingly a little bit older than he was. She was stunning--every feature about her was beautiful. Her eyes looked so cold, but Jungkook automatically knew that it was façade, like Yoongi's was. He knew that she would love him, and that he would love her. Another sob left his mouth as he recognized her as a werewolf--just like he was. He didn't have to worry about hiding himself from her.

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