Hoseok: Dance Partner

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Another oneshot guys!!! I'm sorry for it taking so long to come out, but I've been so busy lately.

This oneshot is requested by -Azazel-Nyx . Enjoy~~<3


   Frustratedly, Hoseok marched out of the practice room and made his way down the sidewalk in front of the BigHit (I refuse to call it HYBE) building. The other guys weren't listening to him as he attempted to teach them their new routine and instead chose to play around the entire time, pissing Hoseok off to no end. Finally, after all the members erupted into laughter from something stupid Taehyung said, Hoseok had to force himself to leave the dance studio and take a lap around the park.

   With a sigh, Hoseok made his way to a local park that he saw. Walking around and admiring beautiful scenery never failed to calm Hoseok down.

   While on the walk, Hoseok stumbled upon  a woman. She was wearing all black, including a black face mask. Hoseok couldn't see her face at all. With a small shrug, Hoseok went on his way--all up until he heard music being played. Curiously, he turned towards the sound and saw the woman begining to dance.

   She was magnificent. Her movements were sharp and effortless, easily gaining an audience. Hoseok could tell that she was smiling behind the mask, causing Hoseok's own grin to spread across his face. He walked closer to the woman and stood alongside the audience as he admired her dancing, recognizing it to be quite similar to his own style of freestyle dancing. It fascinated him.

   A few people walked up to a hat that Hoseok assumed the woman had placed there and dropped a few bills in it. Hoseok decided to do it as well and dropped around 25,000 won into the hat, making direct eye contact with the woman as he did so. He winked at her and Hoseok knew that she was blushing behind the cloth.

   Day soon turned to night and Hoseok turned away to go home. The guys would start to get worried. He was around ten feet away when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Hoseok turned around confusedly and was met with the street dancer.

   "Hello, can I help you?" Hoseok asked politely. The girl shyly blushed and shook her head.

   "N-No, I just wanted to thank you for the money you gave me and for staying to watch me dance!" the girl said. Hoseok smiled behind his mask and gave the girl a small head pet. The girl blushed even darker and stared up at Hoseok with wide eyes.

   "What's your name, sweetheart?" Hoseok questioned.

   "I-I'm Y/N L/N," she stuttered.

   "Well, Y/N, I hope to see you again soon," Hoseok grinned. "Keep up with the dancing! You never know when someone famous could be watching." And with one last wink, Hoseok was back on his way home.


   "Let's go, guys! We're going to be late!" Namjoon called as he made his way towards their van.

   "Jimin, come on! Yoongi-hyung, get off the couch! Hobi-yah, please go retrieve those two maknaes! Jin-hyung, at least help me out a bit!"

   "We're coming, you ungrateful swine! Stop yelling at us!"

   "I'm ready to go! I'm excited!" Hoseok said excitedly. They were going to go to a dance school in Seoul and be watch a dance competition between the students. The winner would get to do a dance with whichever member they chose. Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook were the most excited, but Seokjin and Namjoon prayed that they wouldn't get picked.

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