19. im so sorry.

185 11 3

TW?: Death

(I PULLED AN ALL NIGHTER AGAIN BUT THIS TIME IT WAS FOR STUDYING (and a little bit of writing when i needed a break) SO EVEN THO NO ONE DID YET DONT YELL AT ME THANK YOU!!! also uhm imma kill one of the characters today because thats what happens when i run out of idea's, btw idk if i mentioned this but junko isnt despair obsessed in this.)

Kokichi sighs and runs out of his room jumping on his sisters back "IM BOREDDDD LETS DO SOMETHING!!!" Kokichi says making sure he doesnt fall. Celeste sighs and pushes kokichi off her back. "Then why dont we play a game of poker?" Celestia asks grabbing a deck of cards. Kokichi nods and the two start to play. "heh, Wow kokichi youve gotten so much better..." Celeste says in a passive aggressive tone, Kokichi giggles a little.

The two then get interuppted by Junko coming in the room "Ay! Kokichi! We are needed." Junko says holding a mask and wearing the dice uniform but instead of pants shes wearing a white short skirt and a low cut white shirt with of course a checkered bandanna around her neck. Kokichi nods and waves to celeste.

The two then run out of the house and climb on top of the roof making sure to not be seen. "So why are we needed?" Kokichi asks. Junko shrugs and runs ahead. "Sweetie if i knew that i wouldnt be coming. Its so dusty there i hate it." Junko says sighing. Kokichi rolls his eyes continuing to walk.

Once the two get there they get greeted by the dice people (i thought my cat was a stuffed animal i-) "hey where is kiru?" (ngl kinda forgot the name for a min.) Kokichi asks and everyone else goes quiet, Haru then sighs and sits down "Kiru and angie went out to the forest... and they got attacked by people from the other kingdom... in attempt to protect angie... she got hit with a arrow and now shes in her room resting... We had Miss. Tsumiki help her a bit but...her breathing is becoming very weak" Haru says looking down, Kokichi and Junko look shocked, and then Tsumiki walk out of Kirus room looking down and shaking. "i-im s-so sorry!!" She yells, They all then hear a straight beep sound. "the heart monitor..." Kokichi mumbles and runs into the room looking at kirus lifeless body, Junko then runs over along with others (A bOdY hAs BeEn DiScOvErEd...yeah, okay i'll stop...) kokichi starts to shake a bit and his legs go a bit weak.

"..." Junko sighs and hugs kokichi. "...Go take a breather outside hun." Junko says rubbing kokichis back, Kokichi shakily nods and walks out of the room. As he gets farther he starts to get quicker, he quickly runs outside and runs away from the base putting on his mask and climbing on top of the building he found rantaro on the other day. Although kokichi didnt want amami to know he's upset he at least wanted to talk to him. Fortunatly for him rantaro was there sitting on the edge of the roof. Kokichi immediatly walks over and hugs him from behind. "Amami~Chan~!" Kokichi yells with the best happy voice he could do. Rantaro flinchs a bit and turns to look at kokichi. "why are you wearing your mask up here?" Rantaro asks not returning kokichis greeting.

"Wow rude. I thought you would at least say hi." Kokichi says in a pouting tone. "...Hi." Rantaro says with a sigh. kokichi pulls back and sits next to rantaro going way to scilent for comfort. Rantaro looks at kokichi and takes off his mask seeing kokichi basically covered in tears. Rantaro immediatly hugs kokichi "Whats wrong?" he asks rubbing kokichis back in circles. Kokichi just shakes his head. "N-Nothing..." ouma says starting shaking again. Rantaro sighs due to kokichis stubbornness. After a few minutes rantaro asks again still holding kokichi close but kokichi just burys his head in rantaros chest.

A/N Yeah the ending doesnt make sense and i should have probably made more but uhm... i need to go back to studying and i didnt want this idea to leave my mind so uh yeah.

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