Chapter Eight: The Cake Is a Lie

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Kirby woke up early. He had trouble sleeping the night before. He felt quite lost during the night. He missed Meta Knight. He wished he could thank that cat who saved him. When he woke up during the night all the old love for the old knight and the feeling of not being able to say goodbye welled up inside him.

He had cried as he watched the moon and stars.

It felt as if Meta Knight was close, yet so far. He had fallen back to sleep as Mallow comforted him.

But now, morning was here. The sun shone in his face (he had forgot to close the curtains after looking outside), waking him up far too early for his liking. But now that he was awake, he was hungry. Hungrier than he had ever been for a long time. He didn't have any food since last night! 

He quietly tiptoed out the guest room and to the kitchen. What could he have to eat... He really craved an omelette. Eggs in Alola were really nice, in his opinion. All fluffy and filled with good tastes and smells. Maybe he could quickly fry up a nice omelette without waking up his friends. All he needed was the frying pan and some eggs. He waddled over to the fridge and quickly realised he wasn't strong enough to open the fridge door...

"Poyo...." Kirby frowned. He couldn't reach the handle, and he doubted he was strong enough to pull the magnetic door open by his stubby paws. "Poy!" He tried again to force his paws between the door and the rest of the fridge.

"Kirby?" A male voice called. Kirby jumped in surprise. It was Mallow's dad. "What are you doing up so early?" Mallow's dad walked into the kitchen. He wore a fluffy night robe and matching fluffy slippers.

"Hung-gy. Can't op'n fige." Kirby replied, pointing to the fridge. "I... make om-ette." 

"You want to make an omelette?" Mallow's dad echoed. "Sure. I'll open the fridge for you. Do you want a drink too?"

"Hot choc!" Kirby said excitedly. Hot chocolate was great in the morning. Especially with marshmallows and lots and lots of whipped cream, and it was still cool outside and he could wrap himself up in a blanket and forget about his worries (though Kirby rarely had any). Mallow's dad chuckled before nodding, opening the fridge.

As the fridge opened, Kirby inflated himself and jumped, all the way up to where the eggs were sitting. As he floated back down, he grabbed the egg box and the milk, putting them on the counter top. He then jumped up onto the bench next to the stove, and inhaled the nearest frying-pan, turning into Cook Kirby. He waddled to the bottom cupboard and got out a glass bowl. He climbed up onto the counter top, setting the bowl down carefully, so it would not crack accidentally. He grabbed a whisk, cracked three eggs into the bowl, and began whisking them swiftly. He glanced at Mallow's dad, who was heating up his hot chocolate on the stove.

"Do yu want om-ette too?" Kirby asked kindly. One lesson he had been taught by his mentor was to be kind and considerate to others. He used to always think of himself when it came to food, but as time went by he felt that being kind to others made him happy too, a happiness that came with food, but also with people, and happiness felt best when shared. Kirby, after Meta had left, used this rule as a sort of way to honour his memory of the dear knight.

"Oh, no, it's okay, Kirby. Thanks for offering, though." Mallow's dad replied, pouring the freshly made hot chocolate into a marble-like white mug. "I usually eat a bit later in the day."

"O-kay!" Kirby added salt and pepper into his egg mixture. He grabbed the mixture and jumped gently over the sink, and to the stove, where he grabbed his pan and put it on the open flame. He swiped a spatula, poured the egg mix into the pan and waited. The small pink puff flipped the omelette with the help of the spatula, and flipped it until it was just right. He then served it onto a plate. It was plain, but good enough for Kirby- any food was fine.

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