Chapter 21

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Cohen's pov

"Oh shit" I said as Jiggy stood at the door. "Woah who is that hot mother fucker" Alex said. "Um I cliam him" Angel said. " that's my brother dumbasses" I said rolling my eyes. "Ok explain. And no I will not tell Mike or Nia" Jiggy said sitting on the end of my bed.

"Well there is this dude who sells places like so. Cohen bought one for me and him because the other one we had didn't have a shed. The dude also sells drugs and medication and other shit like that. When me and Cohen got here today The dude said that we had to share with those bitches because he's running low on places. So now we all share this shed and yes it came with everything in here" Marco said. "Well yea that" I said.

"Ok. Well lettme make a deal with you. You let me come here when ever I want I'll give you fifty a week. " "let me discuss with these assholes" Marco said.

We all stepped outside and walked to where he couldn't hear us. "Ok can we address the fact that his brother is hot as shit" Alex said. "He sure is" Angel said. "Well anyways. I say he can stay but its gonna be cramped." Marco said. "Well if this helps. I'm moving out of the state in two days." Angel said. "Wait why" Alex said. "I don't know. Kinda tired of this place."

"Oh well. I guess. He's staying" I said.

We went back to the shed and went inside. "Ok you can stay" Marco said. "Ok thanks" he said. "But you have to prove yourself Worthy" Alex said. "What you mean" "how far can a kiss go with you" "ALEX THATS MY BROTHER" I yelled. "Ok and I can be your brother in law" "What the fuck. Let's just finish the movie."

We all got on our bed and we gave Jiggy some blankets and he layed on the floor. Then I started the movie again.

~next morning ~

I got up and Jiggy and Alex must have gone home because they weren't there. I woke Marco up then we went home.

"Do you know where Jiggy is" Mike asked as we walked in the door. "No" "ok then" then me and Marco went up to my room.

Jiggy pov

I was with Alex and he was taking me somewhere. "Can you tell me now" I asked. "Nope. Its a a surprise for a reason" I just groaned and kept walking.

"Ok we are here" he said. It was a odd looking building. "What is this place". " its my brothers so hurry up and get inside "

I opened the door and held it open for him then I started walking around. "Wow this is better on the inside" I said. He grabbed my hand and took me to a room. "So...uh...what's your sexually" he asked. I'm pretty sure I'm straight but i've been attracted to a boy before. "Well I guess you can say I'm bi. With different percentages" I said as I sat on the bed. "That works" I heard him whisper.

I started hearing a door open so I looked over at Alex and he waved his hand signaling to run. I grabbed his hand and ran out the neatest door. Then I ran a little farther just to be safe. Once I stopped he were both laughing. "Wait were we not suppose to be in there". I asked. " Nope. My brother hates. Me" "oh wow".

I staired at him for a minute or two then said. " well I should get home" "can i come. I really don't wanna deal with my mom" "umm sure but I have a older brother and sister so things get violent a lot. " "wait what do you mean" "well when my older brother Mike gets mad he sometimes hits me or Cohen. And I have a neice and nephew who are his kids and he yells at them a lot. My sister just tries and stops him but it doesn't usually work" "wow. I feel bad" "nah its fine. I'm used to it"

I grabbed his hand and then we made our way to my house.

Once we got to the door I stopped. "Ok I'm going to warn you. I didn't come home as early as I should have so he will be yelling" "ok" I opened the door and Mike was standing there."WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU" "I-" then I got cut off my Alex saying. "He was at my house for the night and we lost track of time" "Did I ask you" "well you didn't say a specific name so in a way" "whatever. Just go to you're room Jiggy"

I grabbed Alexes arm and started walking upstairs. "Once he leaves your grounded." "You can't ground me. I'm fifteen. Not a child anymore" "do I give a fuck. You are under my responsibly so you do what I say" "Mike you can't ground a fifteen year old. It doesn't work like that" Nia said.

Then me and Alex went up to my room and shut the door. "Thanks" I said sitting on my bed. "Yea no problem" . he came over and sat next to me. I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

I know we just met but I think I like him.

"Wha-" he said. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. "You know you wanted me to" i said. Then I layed him on the bed and cuddled up to him and put a movie on.

A/n odd ending but you can probably tell where this is going. Anyways happy birthday to me.

Quote: live life yo the fullest because you will never have another chance to live it again.

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