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15 years later.

"sheyaa!!! come get your daughter!" leland huffed, sliding down the wall as their 3 year-old ran around.

"why are you so difficult with me?" he tiredly look at his daughter running with her father's chain.

he thought two kids were enough until sheyaa asked for another one. he doesn't know why he agreed as the middle child is the most wildest out all of the siblings.

as that day happened, everything changed for them.

whey sheyaa changed the law that everyone can now have a lover, almost everybody got with each other. it was very crazy, marriages went up by 800%.

during that, the new found couple fell in love. the type of love sheyaa never felt before; still took the risk to try.

it was euphoria for the both of them as they found new happiness within another. building and rebranding each other as they ruled hell. also just getting married after two years of their relationship.

rebranding each other also comes with talking about serious topics. for example, marriage and children.

another law sheyaa made were people in hell could create babies by a special learning technique that they can learn.

as first, leland was against on having babies but eventually gave in. by using both of their bloods in the ritual, made them have 3 beautiful babies.

leland sighed before feeling a tiny hand on his thigh, seeing his 8 month old baby boy drooling with his other hand in his mouth.

"hi baby," leland softly smiled, picking him up and sitting him in his lap. he brushed his curly hair.

sometimes the youngest reminds of him when he was younger. a very, venturous child. sometimes brings up the times when he was alive and was on earth.

speaking on that...

of course—they found his body in the abandoned building where his phone tracked where he was at.

they found him bloody but no murder weapon was found. at first, they wanted to rule the death as a suicide but it doesn't look like a suicide.

they don't think it's a murderer behind his death (because duh, it was demon hunters that killed them and they can't be seen unless they have permission to become full human). it wasn't no footsteps around the body or wasn't no weapon within 12-25 yards.

they case might be closed and cold.

"aiyden your so beautiful..." he cooed to his baby boy, kissing his cheek before he heard a familiar voice echos in.

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