Eggman's Investigation

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Dr. Eggman's Base

"Hmm, is it just me, or did something seem off about Sonic during our last fight?" Eggman mused to himself. Orbot and Cubot stood side by side as they watched their master, and the little red robot spoke up.

"He did appear to be more easily angered yesterday, sir. Perhaps he was not feeling well before the battle?"

"Yeah! He probably ate something bad at the Meh Burger."

Eggman twirled his bushy mustache as he mulled over their suggestions, "A very plausible theory. Who knows what that lazy intern puts in their food. I'll buy that explanation, but for now, it's time to take a look at my other project. I need to figure out why Shadow would come all this way just to release my black monster. It would have been the perfect thing to take on Sonic and his meddlesome crew, after a few battle armor additions of course."

Cubot put on a thinking pose and held it for a few seconds before shrugging, "I got nothing."

"Of course not," the doctor muttered, "Prepare my eggmobile! We're going back to the jungle!"
Orbot nodded, "Right away, sir."

"Whatever you say, boss!" Cubot saluted, and the two robots scurried out of the main control room to complete their task.

Half an hour later, Eggman and a small posse of robots arrived back in the clearing where he had captured the strange black monster a few nights ago. He had retrieved the trap the same time he caught the beast, meaning it was safe for his robots to wander about the clearing.
"Hmm," he mused, "the real question is how did Shadow know about my little scheme?" he thought aloud.


Shadow stalked through the thick jungle undergrowth, blending in perfectly with his namesake as he followed the intruding scent of human and machinery. He had warned the doctor not to come near his territory, but it appeared the man was too hardheaded to actually consider it. When the sound of turning gears reached his sensitive ears, he teleported up into a high branch with a clear view of the glade.

"There must a be clue somewhere!" he heard Eggman shout to his metallic lackeys, "I just have to find it."

A clue about what? the dark hedgehog thought. A robot lifted its scanner upwards, and the Black Arms alpha hid deeper in the foliage. What were they looking for?

"Sir! We found something!" Orbot exclaimed.
Shadow narrowed his crimson gaze as the round automaton lifted a single black quill up to his master. The hybrid glared darkly. He would need to retrieve that quill before Eggman had a chance to run it. That meant he had to intercept the human and his crew before they got back to base. How could I have been so careless?

"You should really learn to mind your own business, doctor," Shadow sighed.

Back with Egghead—I mean Eggman

"Excellent!" Eggman cheered and snatched the quill out of Orbot's hand. He lifted it close to his face so he could study it. The human couldn't believe his luck! He tucked the quill safely in jacket pocket and typed a few commands on his console. "Pack it up. I've got what I came for."

"Not so fast, doctor," a deep, baritone voice commanded. The human whirled around and searched the borders of the clearing in surprise.

"Who's there?!"

A black figure leaped out of the trees and landed in a half-crouch. Shadow the Hedgehog stood to his full height, glaring sharply up at the mad scientist as he extended his hand out.
"I believe you have something that belongs to me."

Eggman sweat-dropped, "I don't know what you're talking about," he laughed nervously. Shadow crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow knowingly.

"Don't tell me your that stupid, doctor," he taunted, his blood red orbs taking on a dangerous sheen.

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