Cavern Bite

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   Images and Characters do not belong to me. 

 This is a sequel to "Wild Side," and I highly recommend that you read that one first, as it will be referenced here and there throughout this story. Thank you.

Third Person POV

    It was another lazy afternoon on Bygone Island, and for once, everyone on Team Sonic was off doing their own thing. Tails was in his workshop, tinkering on his favorite biplane. Amy had decided to go shopping in Hedgehog Village alone, since Sticks was too excited about rummaging through garbage instead of going with her. The badger thought the whole concept of shopping was a mass produced conspiracy anyways, so it was probably best she hadn't gone. Knuckles had opted to do some weight-lifting on the beach, which means this left Sonic to do what he did best. Running.

     The blue blur ran to his heart's content, enjoying the sunlight that warmed and radiated off his quills. He raced along the beach before making a lap or two around the small village and finally took a turn inland, racing between the large twisting trees and vines that crossed his path. He paid special care not to cross over into Black Arm territory, after the rather gruesome death threats issued by a certain rival of his. The last thing he wanted was a run-in with a patrolling Shadow or one of his pack to worsen the already shaky treaty between them.

     Eventually, the treeline thinned to make way for a stretch of empty ravines and caverns that were home to caves, lava pits, and radical runways. Sonic smirked, boosting his speed as he zipped in between the walls of stone at the speed of sound. He did this for well over an hour, enjoying the wind in his face until he decided to take a break. He dug his heels into the dirt to skid to a stop and sat down in the shade of a rare overhang, wiping the sweat off his brow as he did so. He had learned the hard way to take a break when running in the canyons. With so much sunlight and little shade, it was easy to overheat. The azure hedgehog stretched and leaned back against the hard orange stone. What he was not expecting was falling in backwards.

     "Woah!!" he exclaimed and tried to right himself in midair, only to faceplant into a floor of stone and compact dirt. 

     "Ouch," he groaned and slowly sat up. Once the winged chilidogs disappeared from his vision, he finally decided to take a look around. He was in a cave of some kind, and looking up he could see that where he had fallen in had once been sealed by several large stones, and it was too high for him to climb or spindash out. 

    "Well, I guess I can take a look around," he said to himself and turned on the glowing outline Tails had designed into his sports tape and bandana, "There's gotta be more than one way out of this place."

     Sonic casually wandered around the cave, which was actually a lot smaller than he realized. He had fallen into the largest part, and there was only one tunnel in the back. With nothing left to lose, he began to walk deeper into the cave. His ear would twitch every time water dripped off of the roof and on to the floor.

    After a few minutes, he began to notice strange drawings on the walls of the cave. Most of them were of the same thing, a large beast with massive claws and teeth. He had never seen anything like it before, and the closest animal he could guess was a bear of some kind. He followed the picture story for as long as he could, watching as images of mobians forced the beast into a cave and sealed it shut. Sonic shuddered, hoping that whatever it was that had been locked in there had died a long time ago. The detailed drawing of it made it look pretty scary. He stopped inside of a wide room at the end of the tunnel and gazed up at the last picture. At the top showed a sun and moon on opposite ends of the cavern. Underneath the sun was the faded image of a normal mobian, and beneath the moon was the beast that had been the main focal point of the other images. In between the two images was a disturbing painting of the mobian somehow shifting into the monster on the other side, and Sonic grimaced at the sight. 

    "Way too much detail," he shivered and looked around. That's when his eyes landed on the only other occupant in the cave, or at least, who would have been. Lying directly below the images of the moon and beast was a large skeleton. Sonic whistled and kneeled to get a better look. The shape and build of it made the skeleton appear a lot like a giant dog. The blue hedgehog knelt down to get a better look and leaned all around the skull, taking a good glance at the massive fangs that accented its jaw. 

    "The gang would love to see this," he mumbled to himself as he stuck his hand inside so the glowing sports tape around his arm could illuminate its mouth. Woah, dude, this mouth is--Yipe!!! he jumped as a loud beeping from his communicator startled him out of his thoights, making him accidently jerk his arm upwards. 

    "Oh, shoot!" he hissed as he felt his forearm knick the edge of a jagged fang. He grumbled to himself before checking his wrist communicator. 

                      "Sonic here."

     "Sonic, where have you been!" Tails exclaimed. 

   "Uh, I'm kinda stuck in this weird cave in Shadow Canyon. Think you can give your big bro a hand?" he laughed sheepishly while trying to his bleeding arms from the camera's focus. The yellow kitsune nodded and gave a short salute. 

             "I'm on my way! See you in a sec."

    "See ya," he replied and ended the call. He knew he had to fix up his accidental bite mark, and he looked everywhere for something to use to stop the bleeding, covering it with his hand as he dashed back to the cave entrance. When he finally came to a stop, he looked down in confusion. His wound had fully healed in a matter of seconds, and a small scar was all that remained to prove where he had been hurt. He blinked several times and turned his arm over several times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The sight of a rope being thrown down in front of him quickly snapped him out of his thoughts, and he instantly secured it around himself. As soon as he was set, he tugged twice, and the rope began to pull him upwards till he was once again outside. The blue blur waved up to the fox kit inside the plane and sent a thumbs up. The rope blackened, and Sonic landed squarely on the ground. 

     "Thanks for the save, lol buddy!" he called. 

    Tails circled back to the village, and Sonix followed in a lightning blue streak, unaware of the danger one small bite could produce.

Okay, I know this probably wasn't my best intro, but I promise it will get better from here. I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish this sooner. School just started back for me, so I won't be as active as I usually am. Please forgive me in advance for the slow updates!


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