Chapter 1

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Hello Everybody,

Thank you for starting my book, this is my first published one. So can you please not write any negative stuff in the comments, I may still have a few grammar problems which I am working out. But no negative stuff. Okay

So with out futher or due I present my first published book Hidden in the shadows

Copyright since 2012 ©


Chapter 1

The sounds of a weeping child wouldn't stop, the wails wouldn't quit, the quietness of the forest grew louder. The giggles of the demons, the fairies and the lost souls charged on to the little boy lost in the darkness of the thicket.

Those hail from the depths of hell to steal him away, to the shadows. The thicket was never a safe place to be after sundown. The sharp spines of the blackberry bushes, the poisonous nightshade that grew under the blueberry bushes. Calling forth young children to partake in the bitter berries which could be well mistook for the ripe blueberries.

The horribly aggressive snakeheads in the lake that could snap off a few toes or fingers, a full hand at that, or the sharp-toothed Walleye fish one of those could pack a punch. But the worst of all was the demons, the ones that hid in the leaves of trees waiting for some lost child to saunter in and fall for one of its dirty tricks.


I huffed and puffed running around the creek and over to the meadow with which the crying was coming from, mama said not to go out before dark but it was a child on the line. A storm was about to begin, the lightning had already attacked the sky with furious thrash of beaming light.

The thunder pounded on the ground like an earthquake, but that didn't stop me nothing could stop me from finding this child. I pounced into the blackberry bushes mistaking them for regular Autumn Brillancea or Serviceberry.

Covering me from head to toe in nicks and scrapes but that didn't matter, I looked onward to the little boy cowering in the middle of the grassland. I didn't see what was making him cry, there was nothing there. He screamed and covered his ears and cried harder.

I still didn't see anything, but I had forgotten to take off my eye patch, uncovering my extraordinary eye. There were demons, fairies and a banshee. The fairies were pulling his hair, the demons were whispering in his ears and the banshee was making wicked faces.

I jumped out the bushes and yelled " hey, your mama must be worried "

The little boy looked at me so did the creatures, who wouldn't look at a little girl about five years old in a red Sunday dress. With strawberry-blonde hair and blonde highlights. Freckles on her nose that spread to the base of her cheeks. One brown eye the other blue because of a rare birth defect.

The fiends scattered and the boy watched them run, he stopped crying but his face was red as a tomato. I walked over to him and said

" whatcha doing after dark in the thicket, doncha know it's dangerous "

He didn't say anything so I spoke up with a proud voice " are you sick or somethin "

He said in a quiet voice " n-n-no "

I said " good "

It started pouring rain my hair and the boys hair got soaked in minutes along with my good dress good thing I wasn't wearing my shoes. I yelled

" gosh darn it not my Sunday dress, mamas going to be mad at me "

He laughed at me but it was quiet, I said " those demons didn't hurt you did they "

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