Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Have you ever had the feeling when you wake up and you don't know where the hell you are and then suddenly realize it's your house, at night, in the dark and when you turn over there's someone in your bed staring at you. Well that was my predicament but there's something a little off. OH RIGHT, there was the part about a person being in your bed.

Well in my case it was a 1,200 pound horse laying in my bed right beside me watching me sleep. What would you do if you saw that:

() Scream

() Run

() Fall off the bed

() Scream, run and fall off the bed

() None of the above

I went with D, I first screamed, then fell off the bed and then ran over to the wall to hit the light switch. By the time I did that the Kelpie had turned back into a human form, I took deep breaths and said

" what are you doing in my house? How did you even get in here? "

He said " I'll answer those questions if you get back into bed, because I'm getting tired "

He stretched and yawned then smiled at me with a tired face, he got confortable on my bed and I said

" won't my dad kill you if he finds you here? "

The Kelpie said " well about that, he took your mom to the doctor earlier. Is she okay? she didn't sound so good when they left "

I said " how long have they been gone? "

He yawned again and said " 5 hours "

I ran down the stairs and called my fathers phone number, the phone rang and rang but no one picked up it went to voicemail. I tried again but it went straight to voicemail, I kept trying until I called 10 times, each one failed.

I put the phone down and the Kelpie said " who needs parents anyway? "

I said " what do you mean by that? "

He said " I mean, why do you need parents who don't care about their only daughter? "

I turned around and looked at him, I said

" my parents care about me, what are you talking about? "

He said " apparently they don't care enough to wake up their daughter and bring her along to the hospital with them. I mean they have been gone for 5 hours, when do you think they will come back? "

I was angry at him I said " why are you acting like this all of a sudden, this is totally out of the blue are you jealous of me or something "

He said " I don't have parents, they died when I was 7 "

" that's very sad and I'm sorry but this isn't the time for that " I said in a somewhat raised voice

He said " you don't care at all, you never did "

I yelled at him " why am I suppose to care about some boy I just met a week ago "

He said in an angry voice " you should care about the person who saved your life more than once "

I was grinding my teeth together I was so mad until finally I threw the phone at him, he caught it mid flight and crushed it with one hand. It hurt my ears to hear the plastic and metal rub together, making an earsplitting scream.

He dropped the pieces of the phone then walked past me saying

" have fun with your sick mother "

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