Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up in my bed at about 3:00 am on Sunday everything was boxed up and ready to go, I on the other hand was not ready to leave this place. You would think after nine years I would be ready to move out of this old farmhouse.

I wasn't, it had all of my favorite memories and dreams. Mama yelled my name from down stairs I was already dressed for the trip since I was to excited to sleep in my p.j's so I slept in my clothes.

I was dressed in a short blue ruffled skirt and a black tank top, with all the necessary underwear. I actually grown a lot taller and slender probably from working on the farm, I'm now 5'6. My hair grew longer all the way down to my elbows and falls in to loose curls but the color didn't change. Also somewhere along the way I grew side bangs that cover my eye patch completely I cut them so they don't over grow.

My vocabulary expanded and I lost my southern accent, but I still can't say a few words right. You would think that people who come from Tennessee have horrible teeth, but I however do not, they are perfect not one buck tooth.

Also I grew breast not huge, but not small right around a D36. That's good for a girl my age right? I am sixteen years old and we are moving out of the farmhouse to start a new life in California

I got up from the old bed, walked down stairs and outside. All the animals were gone we sold them Bessie went to a kind farmer in Kentucky, the pigs to a slaughter house, the sheep to the farmer. The horses to a ranch and the lambs to another farm.

All my friends are gone at least non human, I was down stairs looking around the entire empty house, all of our things had been sent to Napa where we will start living on a vineyard Mama yelled again

" come on Celeste the taxi man doesn't want to wait any longer "

I took a double take before seeing something shiny inside the fire place in the living room, I quickly walked over and picked it up. It was a small ring that could only fit on my ring finger of my right hand, since my other hand was the marriage hand.

There was a piece of dirt white string with a small note wrapped around which said in messy hand writing

' To Celeste, From Chase '

He must have put it there before he left, I stood up and walked out the door with the ring in my hands. I walked over to the taxi and got in the back seat, papa was in the front and mama was sitting in the back with me.

We were going to the Nashville Airport, and taking a huge plane to San Francisco, there we will get another taxi to take us to Napa and then our new vineyard.

I'd never been on an airplane but papa said

' there was nothing to be afraid of, even if we went down he would save us anyway '

I always believed papa, who wouldn't believe a handsome, tall thirty-two year old man. With messy brown hair fairish skin and a sort of evil grin. Not to leave out muscles and defined features.

Mama's not old ether she's thirty-one and I can see why papa picked her. She also has brown hair but it's short about to the nape of her neck, tan skin but not sun burned, nice sized breasts and about 5'5 just a few inches shorter than I.

The drive to the airport was 30 minutes, papa could have teleported us there faster, but it would cause an uproar. I pulled my suitcase out of the trunk and pulled up the handle to roll it around.

Mama and I walked inside to get registered, while papa compensated the driver. They took my bag, mama's and papa then put it on a conveyer belt.

After waiting in line for the scanner everything went a little faster in the batter of an eyelash I we were already on the runway. I sat back in the chair next to the window, mama sat next to me and papa was on the isle.

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