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𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙻 𝟷𝟸, 𝟸:𝟻𝟶𝙿𝙼



𝒕𝐡𝒆 boys shouted in unison with their faces smushed together, midoriya rolled his eyes and went back to sitting down. "midoriya, since the fuck when that happen?! i've always known you two were look alikes but BROTHERS?!" denki rushed over to midoriya and sat next to him as midoriya took a sip out of his water.

"it's simple... my mother and his father fucked and got married." midoriya shrugged, keeping it vague as the boys scrunched up their face that no way inko would get re-married. midoriya stretched his arm in a circular motion as his hand went on his shoulder from feeling it gone to sleep. "why didn't you tell us sooner?" denki leaned over to midoriya as his face twisted and hand connected to denki's face to push him back.

"i don't gotta tell y'all everything about my business." bakugou sucked his teeth as todoroki pouted a little that who knew midoriya could kept that a secret. "but i tell you guys my business!" denki announced as the boys rolled their eyes that denki be telling his life like it's a damn show, they find it entertaining but they were some things he should've kept it to himself.

"you dunce face, just because you tell your business out that doesn't mean all of us have to." all eyes went on bakugou, the boys except denki nodded their head agreeing that bakugou was right. denki sucked his teeth and pouted as he left midoriya's side to see you and robyn were still with shindo. "you should tell the girls about it, specifically y/n."

midoriya eyebrows furrowed at denki as he grumbled that he should but don't want to─ he's avoiding you and wouldn't want things to escalate terribly. "they'll find out on their own." midoriya leaned back as his scarred fingers went through his curly hair to ruffle it up.

"will they?" sero butted in as midoriya glanced at him. midoriya rolled his eyes that you and robyn should connect the pieces together especially with him and that bitch ass shindo look so damn similar. "yes, sero. they will and can we not talk about this anymore. junk giving me a headache." midoriya rubbed his temple as the boys rolled their eyes that midoriya is so grumpy.

"...HEY Y/N AND ROBYN!" denki called out to them on the other side park with him waving both of his hands, midoriya swiftly stood up from his seat and twisted denki's ear. "what the fuck are you doing?" midoriya gritted his teeth as his tone was stern and eyes all darkened, sending denki death glares.

"owwwowoowow, i-i was only saying hi." denki patted midoriya's hand repeatedly as midoriya scowled at him one more time before it faded away along with him letting go. "shit, midoriya. you're always on edge, you're acting like bakugou with his pissy self."

bakugou head snapped. "tch. deku is nothing like me and talk shit about me one more time, i'm gonna twist that fucking ear of yours until it comes off." there was aggression behind his tone as his crimson eyes pierced at denki, denki rolled his eyes and rubbed his ear from still feeling the pain midoriya put on it.

"but it's the truth and midoriya, why are you acting like you're avoiding y/n?" all eyes went on midoriya as he sucked his teeth and slouched against the chair with his chain dangling over the side of his neck. "because i am, denki."

todoroki furrowed his eyebrows. "now midoriya, did something happen between you and y/n? if so, don't go off doing the same exact thing you did to that other girl." the other girl─ midoriya sucked his teeth that he avoided that girl to the point where she felt like she's not worth it to be his girlfriend and left town because of that. it wasn't his fault, he's not goin' be in no relationship with some girl that's goin' do him wrong in no time. my boy got trust and committed issues, eoooow!

"why should it matter, todoroki? if you can't tell she's avoiding me, too." all eyebrows furrowed and glanced at y/n who was having a conversation with robyn. "but still, once she stops and you keep going. you're going to lose a good one even though you're always grouchy and an asshole." sero joined in as midoriya took a deep huff that he feels like his friends are giving him that 'talk' knowingly midoriya doesn't have time for it.

"pac-man's right, you're always talking about how you want a girl to be with you and not be a stuck up bitch... " bakugou grunt a little after picking himself up off the edge with his bare chest revealing and sweat glistening his pecs and abs. "....but news flash, damn deku. you're the one being a stuck up bitch."

the group puckered their lips as midoriya twisted his face from the insult kacchan gave him. "am i? because you're the last person to tell me that i'm a stuck up bitch when really... yo ass haven't even got a girl because of that square ass temper-tantrum you've got." bakugou growled lowly as a thick pulse thumped against his temple.

"the fuck did you just say to me, you fucking bastard."

"you heard exactly what the fuck i said, you're a bitch that don't get no pussy." bakugou's hands turned into a fist as midoriya caught his body language and stood up from his seat. the boys noticed they were going to have a fight and calm them down. "i'd be careful how are you talking to me like that, deku or else you're gonna end up with your other arm fucked up."

"then fucking do it!" midoriya shouted at bakugou as veins formed out of his neck. todoroki let out a stressed sigh with him pinching his nose bridge that they are picking a fight over what this time? some pussy? todoroki placed his skateboard down and got in between them with his hands on their chest to push them back.

"y'all, this is enough. i'm tired of you guys bickering over something dumb. we get it midoriya, you get pussy but bakugou's right. you are a stuck up bitch and bakugou, midoriya is also right. you barely get any pussy but that's fine, you're being yourself...." both bakugou and midoriya pouted with them still scowling at each other.

the boys eyed at the three of them seeing bakugou's lips curved up into a grin smirk so wickedly. "...yet he still want to talk his shit like a bitch fucking boy he is." bakugou barked as midoriya rushed up to land a punch across bakugou's mouth but todoroki picked up midoriya over his shoulder. "LET ME GO SO I CAN PUT THAT PUNK ASS BITCH IN HIS PLACE!"

"AND HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT WITH ONE ARM, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" bakugou screamed at midoriya as todoroki took midoriya somewhere privately away from the boys. midoriya let out bunch of cuss words that aren't even in the alphabet─ midoriya looked like a crazy person that's strapped up with a jacket on, the boys let out a muffled laughter that he lowkey does with todoroki 6'1, buff ass securing him like a bag of potatoes.

bakugou waved off that midoriya ain't worth it as his crimson eyes went over to see you and robyn was curious onto what was happening. he rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth with gruffness that all of this went down because of you.

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