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𝙼𝙰𝚈 𝟸, 𝟷𝟶:𝟶𝟶𝙿𝙼


midoriya heavily blank his hooded eyes at denki informing the boys what happened earlier tonight - their faces were shocked but mostly tight because how can midoriya hard headed ass believed shindo corrupted ass. midoriya yawned as his eyes brimmed up with water that he was getting sleepy, all he wanted was to forget this ever happen and go to sleep for the remainder of his life.

"bro what the fuck?!"

"midoriya what's wrong with you?!"

"what happen to you saying that you will never let him get to you!"

midoriya heard multiple comments from the boys at once but it went through one ear and out the other, midoriya didn't need to be scolded at or lectured. he knows what he did was dumb and wrong but he was being selfish at the matter and thought it was best for you - this is why i don't like getting myself into situationships like this.

"i get it, ight! can we just forgot about it and move on." midoriya stood up from denki's car hood then head over to get inside but sero got in the way and pulled back midoriya by his arm. "no we can't forget about this. you and y/n was going so good now all of a sudden you ended that shit because of shindo ugly ass?"

"exactly sero and here i thought i was the dumbest in the group." all eyes went on denki crossing his arms with a smug, midoriya huffed through his nostrils and rolled his eyes.

"you still are, you jackass..." midoriya swatted sero's hand off of his shoulder. "...i regret letting her take advantage of that hold she had over me." midoriya muttered as sero, denki, and kirishima glanced at each other. midoriya looks gloomy and it's something they're not use to seeing from him especially if it's from a girl - usually midoriya would've been pissed or not give a fuck by smoking blunts and mess with other girls like nothing happened.

kirishima strolls over to midoriya and gave him a shoulder pat. "listen, i know what you did was to protect y/n from shindo out of selfishness but you didn't had to hurt her feelings in order to make her leave you alone and could've talk to her about it." midoriya gazed at kirishima then midoriya tilted his head slightly with a look so cringed.

"kiri, her ass is still gonna be with shindo at the end of the day. ion know what the fuck he told her in order for her to be on his dick like that but that shit made me pissed the fuck off and i don't feel bad for almost killing him." kirishima and denki glared at each other that midoriya was talking crazy but it's understandable, they would've been mad too if they found their "crush" was with their nemesis. "i know you don't feel bad but what about y/n? you don't think she got spooked up seeing you beating the guy up?"

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