Chapter Seventeen

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this chapter contains the following: mature language, and slight violence. 

After dinner, Pansy, Mione, and Lola walked with me to the Ravenclaw towers. We were hoping to find Luna and have a girl's night in mine and Pansy's dorm. All the boys went back to their rooms, and us girls need a break sometimes so why not?

Before we could reach the towers, we spotted Luna's beautifully blond hair swaying down the corridor.

Hermione waved her hand in the air to catch Luna's attention but she was too caught up in a book, so the four of us walked up to her.

"Hey, Luna," Hermione smiled a very dramatically large smile at the blond-haired girl before us.

"Uh, hi! Did you girls need something?" Luna questioned us while she looked at everyone and then back to Hermione.

"I was-" Hermione began, but was cut off by me.

"The four of us were having a 'girls night' sleepover type of thing back at mine and Pansy's dorm, and we thought it would be so much fun if you come too?" I kept my tone low as I spoke to Luna, hoping to not be so loud since we just wanted this to be a small thing without too many people.

"Of course, I would love to come. Thank you for inviting me," She softly thanked us, with her sweet, decadent voice.

We watched as she skipped away towards the Ravenclaw towers to get her things together. As she walked away, the four of us walked towards the Slytherin common room, ready to go to my dorm and wait for Luna.

When we got to the outside of the dungeon, We all noticed a familiar set of brown eyes and honey-colored hair waiting for us.

It was Naya Granger. She had this type of look on her face. The expression was nearly indescribable. Her eyes were narrowed, and a sly smirk was forming across her lips. Jealousy. But why would she be jealous? Maybe someone told her about the sleepover thing and now she is mad we didn't invite her.

I let everyone walked in front of me, as I pulled Hermione's arm back.

"Listen, I love you so please don't get offended, but your sister is very obnoxious and I only tolerate her because she's your sister," The words I just spoke rung with hatred, but I truly didn't mean for it to sound so bad. It's just mindless honesty.

"I get it, I only tolerate her because she is my sister. I have so much to tell you about her," Hermione finishes as we continue walking up to Naya.

"I wanna join the sleepover, and if not, I will go to the headmaster and tell him about it. I will also tell mom, Hermione." Naya Granger spoke with the most disgusting and annoying voice ever.

Hermione didn't even argue with her. She rolled her eyes as if she had been defeated, and continued walking into the Slytherin common room.

The five of us sat down in the common room while we waited for Luna.

"So... Naya, why do you wanna be around us so badly?" Pansy questioned her girlfriend's sister with genuine curiosity.

"No reason... I just wanna be apart of something," Naya spoke to Pansy in a weird tone, but nobody paid any attention to it but me.

Sooner or later, Luna quietly and quickly skipped over towards us, a large smile on her face. She had a small bag thrown over her shoulder and I'm guessing it was her clothes and other things she brought for the night.

Once Luna walked over, everyone else stood up and we all began to walk up the stairs that lead to the girl's dormitories.

The six of us finally reached my dorm and we quickly rushed in and the other girls, apart from Pansy and Hermione, put their bags down on the small couch in our room.

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